Samstag, 15. Juni 2024

“From a Mormon’s perspective” (1) by Gerd Skibbe



“Christian verity” teaches polytheism! Text of the Athanasianum

But, Press spokesman Thomas Schneider from the working group on Worldview questions demanded: “This sect ... rejects the Trinity ... Christians should clearly distance themselves in public from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons).” Sektierer als Gastredner bei WillowCreek“, 2016

„The LDS-Mormons are definitely dangerous and are to be categorised as a sect. In Europe, however, they do not pose a social hazard, as they are too insignificant for that. In the US one cannot make this statement so clearly, since – compared to the share of the population, politically they are represented above average... The Mormons are dangerous, because they reject the Nicene-Trinitarian confession.”  “Religion Dispatches“ of May 27th, 2011

This statement is the usual one, but on the other hand there are concerns about Trinitarianism among the confessors of the Nicene faith:

“The Bible does not develop a doctrine of the Trinity. There is no chapter in Holy Scripture that deals with this seemingly important topic..." Aleksandar Vuksanović „Entwicklung der Trinitätslehre in den ersten drei Jahrhunderten", St. Galler Studientag 2016.

The Evangelical Church of Germany recently admitted: “The discussion about the Trinity began in the fourth century AD. It is very philosophical, since the doctrine of the Trinity does not appear explicitly in the Bible.” EKD 2020

It's even the other way around. “Biblical truth” forces us to speak of three gods. The Athanasianum says this clearly with this text:

“For like as we are compelled by the Christian verity; to acknowledge every Person by himself to be God and Lord;…”

In other words, “Christian verity” teaches polytheism.

At the same time, this high Christian confession prohibits “Christian truth”:

 So are we forbidden by the Catholic religion; to say, there are three Gods, or three Lords… This is the Catholic faith; Anyone who does not truly and firmly believe in it cannot be saved.”

Such threats are intended to incite fear.

This intention alone is an element that contradicts the spirit of the Gospel.

The Trinitarian Creed is considered sacred by all major churches, although it has caused little more than confusion and misfortune. A curse threatens those who firmly say: “The “Christian truth” (that there are three gods) is more valuable than the Catholic faith.”

The Catholic faith cannot replace the truth.

How can it be that smart people have been praying nonsense for centuries? There has never been anyone who could understand that one plus one plus one equals one. Prof. Bernd Oberdorfer, Augsburg, expert in systematic theology, addresses the unresolved problem openly: “Embarrassment is the most harmless thing that befalls many Christians (including quite a few theologians) when the subject of the doctrine of the Trinity comes up. Must anyone who believes in Jesus Christ also adopt Goethe’s paradoxical “witch’s basics” that God is one and three at the same time? „Zeitzeichen“, evangel. Kommentare, Aug. 2004

Or? “Embarrassment is the most harmless thing that affects many Christians (including many theologians) when it comes to the doctrine of the Trinity… Everyone who believes in Jesus Christ, must believe that we also accept the paradoxical “foundations of witchcraft” (Goethe), that God is one and three at the same time? „Zeitzeichen“, evangel. Kommentare, Aug. 2004

Prosper Alfaric, a former priest of the Catholic Church, asked mockingly: “Can (one) play a greater trick on a Christian than asking him the question: What is God?” “Die sozialen Ursprünge des Christentums "

But, the theologians of the World Council of Churches insist on the creeds of Nicaea and Constantinople and thus on supposedly Christian monotheism.

According to the official text, only the church or denomination that professes the “Trinitarian God” can become a member of the World Council of Churches.

I have been a critical and faithful member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints since 1946, when I turned 16 years old. I know my church on 4 continents. At home and abroad, I attended services in Roman Catholic and Russian Orthodox churches as well as meetings of Baptists, Jehovah's Witnesses and many others. I found good things everywhere. I have friends in all of these communities. My conclusion is that the church representatives of the World Council of Churches place too much emphasis on lip service and too little on the Christian lifestyle of each individual.

The fact that its leadership did not exclude the Russian Orthodox Church with its Patriarch Kirill in 2022 - after Kirill, as a close friend of V. Putin, agreed with him to wage war against Ukraine - is more than surprising. Both are enemies of the individual rights that the Almighty bestows on every human being.

As far as is known, the majority of ROK priests support Putin and his actions due to his apparent desire for dominance.

In just a few words, Kyrill blatantly expressed his true thinking, his anti-Christian feelings: “…Western liberalism is the work of the devil…” David Nauer. Correspondent for Radio SRF in Russia

Mr. Kyrill proclaims it again and again: “Western liberalism must be eliminated.” But liberalism – whether Western or Eastern – always functions in freedom, free from paternalism and interference from state control.

Only an actual crime can make someone a criminal.

Only then must the perpetrator be punished.

In fact, expulsion of the Russian Orthodox Church was also being considered. Rejected!

And this with the knowledge that some clergy of this church were regulated because they organized prayers for peace after a year of great raids. It said: The Russian Orthodox Church professes the “Trinity”.

There is no question: the activists of this large organization - the World Council of Churches - act with the best of intentions. There is an urgent need to bring people of goodwill together and stick together to build peace. On the other hand, whether someone holds trinitarian, tritheistic or even polytheistic beliefs is up to them. It says nothing at all about his moral qualities.

No amount of lip service can answer who a Christian is.

But as German Christians today admit, discussion of the Trinity only began in the fourth century AD.

Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, like Christians of the first 300 years, believe in the majority of gods.

Tertullian's (160-220) remark ad Praxean c. 13. is significant: "But we teach two, the Father and the Son, and actually three with the Holy Spirit, according to the nature of being, which requires plurality..." Max Mühl "On the problem of Christology." in Octavius ​​​​​by Minucius Felix, 1986

Church Father Irenaeus (160-?) “Clearly emphasizes the divinity of the Son and the Spirit, both have a personal nature since they act together with the Father.” www. dogmatic. “Pre-Nicene Theology”, 2009, University of Bonn, p. 145

The Nicene Creed came about because Constantine wanted it.

It was a novelty that Constantine introduced in 325 under the threat of violence.

The top German theologian Adolf von Harnack stated matter-of-factly: “This was a “great innovation, the elevation of two unbiblical expressions (Father, Son and Holy Spirit are “unius substantiae” G.Sk.) to key words of the Catholic faith. It secured the uniqueness of this faith... Essentially, not only Arius was rejected, but also Origen... henceforth the Church had to bear the burden of a religious formula that was alien to it.” „Lehrbuch der Dogmengeschichte “    

In fact, this brand-new doctrine of God has always been a burden to truth seekers, just as the black parts of Christian history have been to this day. However, in the original text - in Nicene Creed - it initially sounds quite harmless: (Jesus is) “one being with the Father”. Later, those who spoke the creed in church services simply accepted it.

From now on, the Church had to “... obey the wishes of Constantine, even if it did not approve of them... Just as Constantine does not mention Christ, the Church (equipped with the new faith G. Sk.) is not connected to Christ ... (or: No more reference to Christ).” Heinz Kraft, Habilitationsschrift „Konstantins religiöse Entwicklung“ Heidelberg - Uni Greifswald, 1954   

Innovations are deviations from the original. Some of the bishops gathered at Nicaea did not contradict the emperor for long.

“The academics have not recognized that Christian teaching is a complex of unchanging, revealed truths.” Hertling SJ Geschichte der katholischen Kirche bis 1740

Any change in Christ's teaching is heresy.

Regardless of whether the actions were mainstream or fringe, the desire to correct God's masterpiece is arrogance.

Christ always compared his father Elohim to an earthly father and he has a face.

According to Nicaea, the belief that the Trinitarian God had a human face was considered a grave sin.

The Swiss Johannes Calvin (1509-1564) was one of the merciless Trinitarians. The famous Spanish doctor Michael Servetus also felt his sometimes-evil attitude in 1553.

The Calvinists roasted him on a pile of selected green wood because he said: “I have not found the triune God in the Bible.” And Martin Luther's friend Melanchthon wrote a congratulatory letter to the murderers - albeit years after the death of the great reformer. Servetus would have dared to commit the unmistakable crime of concluding: “God has a human face.” In doing so, the heretic Servetus was simply saying the same thing as Pope Benedict XVI. Centuries later: Dante's “Divine Comedy”... inspired him to speak about the face of God “...The deepest interior of the inaccessible light is a delicate human face. This is... "even more moving than the revelation of God in the form of the Triune Circle of Knowledge and Love." God, the Infinite Light... has a human face.First encyclical of January 23, 2006


Who started? Who began to believe in the Trinity?


On the Christian side, the integration of the new - the Trinitarian - God into church life goes back to Athanasius (around 296-373) and his bishop Alexander (250-326).

Elder Arius (260-337), a tall man who always spoke in a hushed voice, was sharply attacked by Bishop Alexander of Alexandria at a meeting around the year 318 for saying to a group: “I believe that the only “true God” resembles us humans. We were created in his image. He is different from his Son Christ, who is subordinate to him.”

Alexander of Alexandria, a hothead and already in poor health, was furious: “No! You are a false teacher! God is spirit. This is recorded in the Gospel of John. HE is everywhere, has no shape or form.” Athanasius adopted this argument at some point.

It should make a decisive contribution to the division of the Christian world.

When you consider what Bishop Augustine of Hippo (354-430), a close friend of Ambrose of Milan, who was a merciless defender of Trinitarianism, said on this topic some 80 years later, whole walls of thought immediately collapse: “Augustine writes to the Spanish theologian Consentio: “You ask whether the body of the Lord still contains bones and blood and the other parts of the body?” (…) I believe that the body of the Lord is in heaven as it was on earth when he was in the Heaven ascended." Christoph Markschies, „Alta Trinita Beata - Die Frage nach der Leiblichkeit des mitthronenden Christus“ Mohr-Siebeck, 2000 verweist auf Aug. ep 205,2 bei Goldbacher „Texte der Kirchenväter“ 2.Band München 1963, S. 118

It wasn't long before the Alexandrian bishop Alexander viewed those - and that was the absolute majority of all Christians at the time - who imagined God with a face, as mortal enemies. At some point the world-historically serious words fell from his lips: “You have to resist Arius to the death” Pfarrer Ernst Ferdinand Klein, „Zeitbilder aus der Kirchengeschichte“

This was about to happen on a terrible scale.

Arius was persecuted, as were his followers.

The Arian Ostrogoths, who ruled Italy from around 400 to 550, were particularly affected. They were gradually beaten together during a 17-year war under Emperor Justinian. This happened even though they were famous for their tolerance and never harassed the Pope.

This happened because they saw no reason to worship the “triune God.”

But Justinian celebrated the destruction of tens of thousands of families who tried to keep Christ's commandments and exulted: "Ordained by God... we bring wars to happy ends... We are so dependent on the help of Almighty God that we have." neither weapons nor... "We must trust our soldiers, nor our generals, nor our own talents, but rather place all hope solely in the providential wisdom of the highest Trinity..." Mischa Meier „Justinian, Herrschaft, Reich und Religion“

Emperor Constantine, meanwhile, had his own special idea of ​​God, which he learned in his youth and apparently never gave up:

As the son of the Roman co-emperor Constantine Chlorus, who died in 306, he grew up in Nicomedia (in northwestern Turkey) as a hostage for his father's loyalty. There, at Diocletian's imperial court, his religion was formed. There, during the pagan services he was required to attend, the following was impressed upon him:

“The emperor is like the ruler of the universe... Diocletian (244-311) was the “dominus et Deus”, the Lord and God, the Lord God. One eulogist raved: “You who are equal to those who begot you, through them you rule the world incomparably, you who are the diis geniti et deorum (begotten of the gods and creator of the gods). … The Numina (the spirits. G.Sk.) of Jupiter and Hercules themselves live in you - we call on you, every victory is sacred to us. You are with us as present Deus. That's why we're not worried.  It is an honor for us to lay our lives at your feet - hail! Your dominion is not limited to the regions of the earth, but extends beyond it to the regions of the eternal heavens. Just as we become happy on earth through you, as if we came into your presence, today we stand in the Adyton - the Holy of Holies and give you our loyalty. We surround you like the incense of your holy priests..." Emperor Diocletian was not present at many speeches, but " one such case a priest held up the image of the emperor, for it was always believed that the emperor and his Images are one.” Alexander Demandt „Diokletian und die Tetrarchie“ – „Aspekte einer Zeitenwende

By the way, Athanasius (296-373), the main defender of the doctrine of the Trinitarian God, used exactly this expression during and after the time of the First Ecumenical Council in Nicaea in 325: "In the picture both are one."

An experienced historian of antiquity confirms: "Athanasius compared the relationship between God the Father and God's Son to that between the emperor and his image... the Father is seen in the Son and the divinity of the Father can be recognized in the Son." Emperor and Image are one.” Alexander Demandt „Diokletian und die Tetrarchie“ – „Aspekte einer Zeitenwende

Constantine was actually a henotheist.

For him too, the relationship with the gods remained a “mystery of faith”. He was the spitting image of Sol Invictus. He has proven this several times. After his victory over his rival for power, brother-in-law Maxentius, in 312, a coin depicts Constantine and the god he invoked shortly before the battle for success: "Sol Invictus". They are one in the picture...

It was important to Constantine that the emperor and his painting were one, that Diocletian was one with God. It became his basic idea.

It was to have a future, albeit an unhappy one that would cause enormous harm to Christians.

For Constantine, his intentions as ruler of the First Ecumenical Council – to which he came disguised as the god Sol Invictus – had long been clear. Of course, they will cry because it is new to them. But, he will show them, no one is allowed to contradict the God Emperor, that would be blasphemy.

This suggested that violence would follow violence among Christians, as lightning follows the friction of cloud masses.

Many evangelizers still plug their ears so as not to hear the truth:

Emperor “Constantine inserted the unbiblical word "essentially identical" Greek Homoousios Latin “consubstantialis”, which was later so controversial. The subordination of the Son to the one God and Father, as generally taught by Origen and the theologians of ancient times, is now replaced by an essential, substantial equality of the Son with the Father." Prof. Hans Küng “Kleine Geschichte der katholischen Kirche

In May 330, five years after the First Ecumenical Council, a festival was held in the circus of Constantinople in honor of the emperor. Then the mask of the emperor falls: “It is reported that the colossal statue of Constantine on the porphyry column... was venerated by pagans and Christians, and that they attempted to propitiate the image of Constantine... with sacrifices and to honor it with festivals of lamps and incense.” (She) worshiped him as a god and made intercessions that were intended to ward off terrible things... Constantine as Apollo Helios corresponded to the representation of Christ as the sun god..." Frank Kolb „Herrscherideologie in der Spätantike“

And this is how we find him again in the Vatican:

Wikimedia Commons: Mosaic of the Vatican Grottoes under St. Peter's Basilica on the ceiling, the tomb of Julii. Depiction of Christ as the sun god Helios or Sol Invictus on his chariot.


Modern historians confirm:

"If one leaves the level of theoretical discussions and looks at the beliefs of the 'little people', then the differences between pagan and Christian piety quickly become blurred, and then Constantine experiences divine veneration from followers of the old pagan as well as the new." Manfred Clauss „Kaiser und  Gott“, - Herrscherkult im römischen Reich

Did Paul already have him in his sights?

The great apostle to the Gentiles predicted that an adversary would appear before the second coming of Christ.

“Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God” 2 Thessalonians – Chapter 2: 3-4. New International Version

The Bible commentary on this text reads: “The expression of sitting in the temple of God is probably a vivid expression of the fact that the Antichrist wants to oust God and take his place.” “The author assumes that the compulsion to worship the emperor is close “The future will lead to severe persecution of the church.” German Präambel to theRevelation of John”, Standard Translation 1980

In the limited space of the first thousand years of Church history, there was only one man who had the necessary qualifications or power and the will to play the prophesied role: Emperor Constantine (280 - 337).

Anyone who resisted his demands lived dangerously.

He was a tyrant of the worst kind.

"He had captured officers and Germanic princes who were resisting the servitude torn apart by wild animals in the amphitheatre, for example in an arena in Trier..." Constantine also showed no mercy to the civilian population and left death and scorched earth in the conquered areas.”  Bettina von Engel „Konstantin und seine Familie in Trier“ Vortrag bei der Ascoli Piceno-Trier Gesellschaft, 2007

The same spirit of inhumanity prevailed on a large scale since Constantine.

“In England, from 1660 to 1685, around 25,000 people were imprisoned because of their different beliefs and 15,000 families were ruined …” Johann Ignaz von Döllinger “Papsttum”

To at least somewhat understand or rationally defend the Trinitarianism that arose at Nicaea in 325 still requires the comparative boldness of people who want to cut the fog into pieces. As soon as they want to understand what the description of the Trinitarian God says, they are faced with the problem of understanding that their God is a "being who exists in three persons or hypostases, but not in three substances."

What drove the believers of many centuries to place the “Catholic faith” above “Christian truth”?

After evaluating hundreds of documents, the concise answer is: “fear”. Immediately after his secret speech in June 1956, N. S. Khrushchev (1894-1971) answered why he danced the Kozachok for Stalin: “fear”.

But the “Good News” aims to overcome fears and anxieties: “Don’t be afraid!”

Goethe, Leo Tolstoy, Isaac Newton and many others, they were not impressed by the threat that no one would be allowed to believe in polytheism.

On January 6, 1813, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe wrote “about the fullness of being and the multidimensionality of the religious self”: “With the many directions of my being, I cannot have enough of one way of thinking; As a poet and artist, I am a polytheist, a pantheist. On the other hand, as a natural scientist, one thing is more important than the other.” Ursula Homann (Arnsberg) "...wie hast du's mit der Religion?

Isaac Newton (1643-1727) used the term “apostasy” to describe the process of “substitution.” Newton, who read both Greek and the original text of the Vulgate, condemned the Trinitarianism proclaimed at Nicaea as an apostasy from early Christianity. He recognized that the “essential, substantial equality (sameness) of the Son with the Father” that produced the Nicene Creed led to the development of unimaginable things.

“This apostasy should begin with you distorting the truth about your son's relationship with the Father by equating them. And that's why God began this prophecy with a demonstration of your true relationship: He showed the Son's submission through one essential character, namely His.” The Newton Project,  Untitled Treatise on Revelation. 1  Yahuda Ms. 1.4, National Library of Israel, Jerusalem, Israel

The majority of council members at the time resisted this. But “Emperor Constantine used threats and announced reprisals. Each bishop present at Nicaea was interviewed individually. He is presented with the confession (Nicene Creed) and at the same time given the choice of either signing or going into exile..."  Rudolf Leeb „Konstantin und Christus“ – die Verchristlichung der imperialen Repräsentation, Walter de Gruyter, 1992

The Catholic source “Familia Spiritualis Opus” confessed in 2013: "Everything seemed to be fine, but some bishops had only paid lip service because Emperor Constantine had threatened to banish those bishops who had not signed the confession..."

“More than thirty years later, the Homousians still reject the Nicene “homousious” because, among other things, Constantine had used force to force the signatures of the bishops in Nicaea...” H. Chr. Brennecke „Ecclesia in republica“ Theologiegeschichte“, de Gruyter

This passage from Nicaea, mentioned, baffled even the wisest. Bishop Basil, one of the participants, even compared the post-conciliar situation with this: “Naval battle in the night, in which everyone fights against each other, ... and as a result of the conciliar disputes there is terrible disorder and confusion and incessant chatter in the church!” Pfarrblätter, Bischof Koch Okt. 2008

Quite a few in pious circles justify their shaky position with the claim: “Arius denied the divinity of Jesus Christ.” kathPedia 2019

That's not true either.

But more and more people in the know are of a different opinion.

Thomas Hägg, a researcher of the 21st century, also rehabilitated the vilified man: “…the arch-heretic Arius is a traditionalist. He stands firmly on the ground of the church’s teaching tradition.” "Kirchen und Ketzer" 2004 mit Unterstützung des norwegischen Forschungbeirates für Klassische Philologie und Religionswissenschaft, Uni Bergen

As we know from Wulfila (311-383), Arius taught the same things as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

The divinity of Christ is unmistakably emphasized: “Jesus is the “filius unigenitus, Dominus et noster”... we believe in God the Father and in his only begotten Son, our Lord and God, Master and Designer of all creatures, who did not even.“ Gert Haendler „Die Rolle des Papsttums in der Kirchengeschichte bis 1200“

Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believe that the only “true God” is Elohim. Only he is invoked by Mormons in the name of Jesus Christ. He was always Almighty, without beginning and without end. He is the architect of the universe.

The members of this church are therefore both monotheists and polytheists. This is unique and biblically based.

Original Christian commitments and teachings should never be “replaced.” If this happens, it is a misdemeanour, if not a felony. 

Sonntag, 2. Juni 2024

Ingrids neue Poetry (3)


Versinkt die Seele im Strome der Gefühle, 

der Hoffnung Ruder greif‘ wenn hoch die Flut, 

nur in des Glaubens edlerem Getriebe, 

die Seel‘ in Gottes Hafen sicher ruht.