Freitag, 26. April 2019

Ambrosius von Mailand 2 by Gerd Skibbe

Donnerstag, 25. April 2019

Ingrids Auswahl - Ingrids Poetry (83)


Just look

Just look in the mirror, see what you are?

Ugly and old, no longer a star.

Ugly and old, oh what a shame,

Life sure is sad, no one to blame.

Neighbours round here, well!

They are all the same

The reason they all

To this nursing home came.

Here where folks are ugly and old.

Here where bones feel feeble and cold.

Here where eyes no longer see well.

Ears do not hear, teeth no longer crack shell.

Where pain nightly robes us of much needed sleep.

Where daily we struggle our senses to keep.

But! we ought not to worry for soon we will be,

Back home, where once more we are pretty and free.


Ever onward bold and brave

Oh- how sweet to know

The sacred gate to Heaven

Lies just beyond the grave.



Perhaps true joy will only be found

Beyond the gates of death

Freedoms portals may be walked

Beyond our tears and stress

Enduring loss, grief and pain

Will some sweet day be joys refrain?

Some People think

Some people think that money

Could change their way of life.

Some folks think that worldly goods

Could banish all trouble all strife.

Yet all the money in the world

Can’t buy you back your health

And treasures such as love or friends

Are not obtained by wealth

And no amount of petty cash

Can pledge a happy life.

And to much of a bank account

Can cause the soul much strife.

But should you care to find

Things that the eye can’t see

Like blessed peace and love,

Look for them on your knees.