Montag, 21. Dezember 2015

Now in English: "The Outstanding Rehabilitation" by Gerd Skibbe


Emperor Constantine is the Inventor of the „Trinitarian God“. 
According to the documents, there is no other 
Manifested in the Creed of Nicaea, the Trinitarian God 
generated only confusion, hate, and destruction of freedom 
and religious

Constantine thought to create a combination of the heathen ideas of the godhead and Christian believes. Almost all of the 220 representatives of the church stood on the foundation of the doctrines of the primitive church as taught by Origen (185-254 AD). Constantine didn’t like the idea of Jesus being a different person than his father and that he in fact was subordinated to him.   In the end Constantine thought it to be his right to force the opposing bishops to accept his ideas: there shall not be three gods but one only. Only Arius (260-337) and two of his friends refused to sign the “Creed of Nicaea”. 1800 Bishops chose not to be present at the council. For many centuries followers of Arius (the Arians) withstood persecutions and violence from the Catholic Church. All important details of the teachings as recorded by Origen and Arius are to be found in the restored Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.


At the council, Athanasius (296-373) proved himself to be a most passionate defender of the views of his Emperor. His life’s ambition was to extend his influence. Tireless his preaching’s and writings:
“God does not look like a human… Arius and his people (the Arians) are enemies of God… They are blasphemers.” (1)
Hate among Christians would lead to outbreaks of battles in the streets of Rome and Alexandria. In the year 380 the binding law of “Cunctos populos” was declared. Every citizen of the Roman Empire had to accept faith as prescribed by Constantine and Saint Ambrose. Relentless was the opposition which Saint Ambrose exercised towards the Arians. The ever increasing spirit of intolerance lead to much destruction. In the 6th Century Emperor Justinian (483-565) eliminated the Ostrogoths, because of their Arianic faith. Into the 16th century many souls faced death by burning at the stake as did Michael Servet for believing that God has a human face.
Then on the 23rd of January 2006 Pope Benedict partially rehabilitated Arius by stating:
"Yes! God has a human face!” (2)
Little attention was given to this very important statement – how very strange.


1. Council of Nicaea

Constantine grew up with the idea that roman Emperors are rulers of the Universe. At the court of Emperor Diocletian he heard it over and over again that the Emperor was the dominus et deus (Lord and God). The pagan priests praised him:
“You Emperor are in the image of those that created you… you rule the world without comparison. You are the “diis geniti et deorum creatores” (from God created and creator of Gods) Within Thee live the “numina” (the spirits) and the power of Jupiter and Hercules. We cry unto thee, we pray to thee for achieve every victory for unto us it is holy with us you are the “praesens deus”– therefore we are not afraid, for it is an honour to lay our lives at your feet. Hail be unto thee. Your dominion is not confined to the regions of the earth, but reach far beyond the realms of the eternal heavens.” (3) 
As the masses worshipped Diocletian - “the present God”– he often would not be present. In which case the Jupiter-priest would hold up a picture of him. Prof. Demandt says:
“It was believed, the emperor and his picture are one…  Athanasius compared the relationship between God the Father and the Son of God to be of the same as the emperor and his picture ...“(4)
Here we can recognize the nucleus of the Nicene Creed. Later on Athanasius used the same comparison:
                    “Jesus is in the Father's picture”
Constantine was of the stringent belief that the spirits of the Gods dwell within him even as they dwell in heaven. His aim was to combine the Deity of the Roman Empire with himself. To be with them consubstantial (greek: homousios). He insisted: God is an absolute spiritual, a totally formless being! (homousios) instead homo I usios. The bishops had only to take away the Jota.
As in his days – especially in the church the Greek language was predominant.
Presbyter (Elder) Arius insisted: Jesus is another heavenly Person subordinated to his father. (greek: homoiusios) The pagan Emperor and deacon Athanasius refused: “No! They are homousios” (They are one, the same).
Prof. Dr. Hans Küng, (by his catholic church reprimanded senior Theologian openly denied that the pope is not really in the true succession of the apostolic Peter) criticises the treatment of the Elder Arius (260-337) in Nicaea 325:

 “Constantine somehow allows himself to add the unbiblical word 
“consubstantial” (“the same”), in Greek “Homo usios”… The 
suborder (subordinate) of the son under the one God 
and Father is (the God) as Origen and the theologian fathers in 
Primitive Church had taught is now substituted with 
“consubstantial” (“the same”) with the Father.” (5)
The famous German Historian A. von Harnack stated:

“Basically, not only Arius was rejected - in Nicene - but also Origen.”  (6)

Origen (185-254) was the first systematic theologian and philosopher 
of the Christian Church. Many bishops asked for him. His decisions 
were accepted. Bishop Hippolytus (170- 235) - the most 
important 3rd-century theologian in the Christian Church in Rome 
- and Origen were always in harmony.  He and the primitive 
church taught the same: 
„In our primordial state (pre-existence) we were all Logika 
(bodiless spirits) and as such gods, attached to the “Logos” 
(Jesus Christ).” (7)
But again, it seems, Constantine’s intention was to convince the bishops to accept him as their only God.
Constantine contrary to Origen said: “even the Jews 
have only one God. They are monotheists!” 
Here too, he was wrong:
In 2012, Rabbi Dr. Israel Drazin made it clear:
“Ancient Jews believed that many gods exist but felt that should only worship y-h-v-h- and maintained this notion for hundreds of years, and this fact is found in hundreds of verses in the Hebrew Bible. This is not monotheism, but monolatry. Monotheism is the belief that only a single god exists. Monolatry is the belief that many gods exist but only one should be served.” (8)
The prophet (Joseph Smith) stated also,
“… there are many gods… I will preach on the plurality of gods…” (9)
Joseph, the prophet, confirmed again: 
“In the beginning, the head of the Gods called a 
council of the Gods; and they came together and 
concocted [prepared] a plan to create the world 
and people it. When we begin to learn this way, 
we begin to learn the only true God, and  what 
kind of a being we have got to worship.” (10) 
However in the beginning Christians believed that the
 great “I AM” and Jesus were one and the same Person.
 Thus the great I’m sent 
by his Father would refer to his calling throughout
 his stay on earth.
There was a special discussion between Christ and the Pharisees:

They were angry with him. They answered him, "Aren't we right in saying that you are a Samaritan and demon-possessed?"

"I am not possessed by a demon," said Jesus, "but I honour my Father and you dishonour me. I am not seeking glory for myself; but there is one who seeks it, and he is the judge. …
Jesus replied, "If I glorify myself, my glory means nothing. My Father, whom you claim as your God, is the one who glorifies me. Though you do not know him, I know him. If I said I did not, I would be a liar like you, but I do know him and keep his word. Your father Abraham rejoiced at the thought of seeing my day; he saw it and was glad." "You are not yet fifty years old," the Jews said to him, "and you have seen Abraham!" "I tell you the truth," Jesus answered, "before Abraham was born, I am!" At this, the picked up stones to stone him, but Jesus hid himself, slipping away from the temple grounds.” (11)
It means, Jesus was saying: “I AM” the “I AM”. This was Blasphemy! It was against Jewish law and punishable by stoning.
This is the reason why Jesus was crucified. In the Garden of Gethsemane the Pharisee’s were shocked:  
“Judas came to the grove, guiding a detachment of soldiers and some officials from the chief priests and Pharisees. They were carrying torches, lanterns and weapons. Jesus, knowing all that was going to happen to him, went out and asked them, "Who is it you want?"  "Jesus of Nazareth," they replied. "I am he," Jesus said. (And Judas the traitor was standing there with them.) When Jesus said, "I am he," they drew back and fell to the ground. Again he asked them, "Who is it you want?" And they said, "Jesus of Nazareth."  "I told you that I am he," Jesus answered.” (12)

The German theologian Joh. Adam Moehler explained:

“According to Justin”    the son is not just a mere man. He is not only an impersonal force. He (Jesus) is another (as the father). In its strictest sense, he is the Son of God. He spoke to Moses from the burning bush. I am who I am. I am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob ... He is the Jehovah of the Old Testament.” (13)
Jesus was the one and only God Israel and all of us have to except as our Redeemer. Beside him, the great “I AM”, they and all of mankind shall have no other Gods. However all our prayers are directed to our Father in the name of Jesus Christ:

“Always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (14)

All considered the bishops at Nicaea did not wish to follow Constantine.
Emperor Constantine rejected the traditions of the early church. The bishops were unhappy. But, he was the chief priest of Rome (Pontifex maximus). He simply expected their obedience and threatened the Bishops not to contradict him. All these facts are well-known: 
“He worked via threats and reprisals to implement his Ideals. Each bishop is interviewed individually. Each individual is committed to sign the “Nicene Creed” or being exiled. At Nicaea all matters of Church organisation had to be compatible to Roman law.” (15)

“More than 30 Years later many would dismiss the rulings of the Council at Nicene because of the forced approval of the bishops.” (16)
A modern catholic Bishop said:
 “Well known personalities such as Bishop Basil, Participants of the 1st Ecumenical Council 325, of Nicaea … compared the post-conciliar situation unto a naval battle at night, in which everyone would fight against everyone. He stated that due to the conciliar Disputes only confusion and appalling disorder reigned in the church. All just confusing chatter.” (17)
In the year 2013 a catholic Source professes:
“All seemed to be in good order, even though many of the bishops had only rendered lip service since Emperor Constantine had threatened the bishops with exile should they not be willing to sign the documents (of Nicaea).” (18)
Don’t forget. It is not a mere accident that Origen is called upon as a special witness to throw light on the questions of the teachings of the Primitive Church. Origen’s Picture of the Godhead may at times be cloudy. But, he makes it clear that there are three separated Personages (Hypostases).   (19) 
This is the opposite of the “Ecumenical Movements” point of View: the “Creed of Nicene.”

Emperor Constantine’s (280-337) goal was: one empire, and one God. He pursued all his ambitious plans if necessary by force. Whoever stood in his way was eliminated, such as his son Crispus, wife Fausta, brothers in law, Maxentius and Licinius, Father in law Maximian, as well as all other Individuals or religious groups getting in his way. Unconditionally he declared, that all Christians have to reject the arianic version. The early writings of Arius and others were outlawed, all acts against the law which Constantine had decreed were punishable by death. As for the great and valiant Teacher of Christ’s doctrines Arius, was denounced and forthwith branded to be a Heretic, an Enemy of God. Because he believed in three divine Persons, like Origen.
“Furthermore the early Greek theologians - Origen in particular - preferred the term `hypostasis' for the three divine Persons” (20)
Arius stated again
Each Christian will understand how Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ
 and the Holy Ghost are separate beings, yet one in mind, power, 
wisdom, and purpose.

Constantine published now the following Edict against Arius and his followers:

“If any writing composed by Arius should be found, it should be handed over to the flames, so that not only will the wickedness of his teachings be obliterated, but nothing will be left to remind anyone of him. And hereby make a public order, that if anyone should be discovered to have hidden a writing composed by Arius, and not to have immediately brought forward and destroyed it by fire, his penalty shall be death. As soon as he would be discovered in this offense, he shall be submitted for capital punishment.” (21)
This was the hour of the birth of a Trinitarian God.

Picture Wikipedia: Constantine burning Arian books, illustration from a compendium of canon law, c. 825
Athanasius wrote:
“I believe the hypocrites’ of the arianic folly would have after all I have explained in regards to the truth laid all their opposition aside und regret their views and the evil they have thought of the Saviour. They however in the most amazing ways will not agree. Even as pigs and dogs they roll in their own droppings and excrements and fabricate ever new ideas of their godlessness…” (22)

Force and threads of death took their course. Athanasius used Bishop   Alexander’s word: 
“We must resist Arius to his very blood.” (23)
Bishop Damasus followed them.

2. Increasing persecution among Christians

On that fateful morning of the 26th October 366, “Bishop Damasus from Rome was leading a group of hired thugs armed with Clubs, Swords, Axes and Sticks to execute justice his way. Driven by a mad rage towards his fellow Brother Bishop Ursinus, he felt justified to have all of the worshippers which had gathered at the Julii Chapel (today St. Maria in Trastevere) for their morning service to face a most cruel death. (24)
Because they were Arians and Damasus was a catholic. Only Bishop Ursinus and a few of his Friends escaped the massacre, while 130 of his Congregation lay in their blood. Not one of the hired mobsters were found among the dead. Bishop Ursinus (?-367) like the “Mormons”, rejected particularly this part of the “Athanasian Creed”:

“For as we are compelled by the Christian verity, to acknowledge every Person by himself to be God and Lord, so are we forbidden by the catholic religion to believe it.”

A prominent academic within the theological faculty of Oxford states that
“Damasus hired a gang of thugs that stormed the Julian Basilica, carrying out a three-day massacre of the Ursinians.”  (25)

3. “Cunctos  populos”

Saint Ambrose of Milan (337 – 397) didn’t protest against such actions. On the contrary. He aggravated the situation. He became the most powerful man in Rome. Young Emperors like Gratian and Valentinian II feared him. Under his leadership the law of “Cunctos populus” was introduced. There is a strong suspicion: Saint Ambrose created this law.
Text of Cunctos  populos:

“It is our pleasure that all the nations which are governed by our clemency and moderation, should steadfastly adhere to the religion which was taught by St Peter to the Romans, which faithful tradition has preserved and which is now professed by the pontiff Damasus... According to the discipline of the apostles and the doctrine of the Gospel, let us believe the sole deity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, under an equal majesty and in a pious Trinity. We authorize the followers of this doctrine to assume the title of Catholic Christians; and we judge that all others are extravagant madman, we brand them with the infamous name of heretics, and declare their   conventicles shall no longer usurp the respectable appellation of churches. Besides the condemnation of divine justice, they must expect to suffer the severe penalties which our authority, guided by heavenly wisdom, shall think proper to inflict upon them.” (26)
Cunctos  Populos was directed mercilessly not only against all non-Catholic Christians. Those who do not believe in the "Holy Trinity", had to fear.

“It ordered all subjects of the Roman Empire to profess the faith of the bishops of Rome and Alexandria, making Nicene Christianity the state religion of the Roman Empire.“ (27)
Millions of Greek Citizen’s watched their pagan temples and other holy places ravished and levelled to the ground. Their priests suffered persecution. The Arians lived growing in fear.
Cunctos  populos brought to a total end a period of widespread religious tolerance.
Many sources confirm:

“The period of relative religious tolerance in the Roman Empire ended as Pagan temples were seized and converted for Christian use or would be destroyed. Priests and Priestesses were exiled or killed.” (28)
 “Paganism was now proscribed, a "religio illicita" (unlawful)” (29)

This law caused 25 million citizens to become enemies of the state and the absolutely powerful Catholic Church. Much as communistic rulers and in the times of Adolf Hitler forced upon their subject in the 20th century. Pure terrorism.
Brave Arians protested in vain. The confrontation between non-trinitarian people and militant fighters for Nicean Catholicism increased. 
Even  Priscillian of Avila bishop of Ávila in 380, and his friends rejected this terrible law. Priscillian was a wealthy nobleman of Roman Hispania, denounced at the Council of Zaragoza in 380.
Around 385, Priscillian was falsely charged with sorcery - Priscillian in vain asked pontiff Damasus und Saint Ambrose for help. They shrugged their shoulders. They didn’t protect him.  
Because they’re preaching against the Constantinization of Christianity, forced by Saint Ambrose (337-397).  They became beheaded with six of his companions, in Germany, Trier.

Prof. Ana Maria C.M. Jorge Center for the Study of Religious History (CEHR). Portuguese Catholic University (UCP) wrote:

“Priscillian helps us to achieve a better understanding of the Christianization process and the orthodox/heterodox debate in late antiquity. …Against a background of the progressive “Constantinization” of the church, bishops become key figures who centralize the main forces of the day. …” (30)

4. Saint Ambrose

In the critical summer of 378 the Huns hunted the Goths. Desperate, they sought refuge in the Roman Empire. But “Saint Ambrose” Bishop of Milan said “no!” In vengeful defiance he stood against the fleeing masses, refugees from the Ukrainian regions escaping the murdering hordes of Asiatic Warriors (the Huns) equipped with reflex Bows, which no European Force was able to oppose.

Picture Wikipedia: Huns in battle... An 1870s engraving after a drawing by Johann Nepomuk Geiger (1805–1880)

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Picture Wikipedia: The Barbarian invasions of the 5th century were triggered by the destruction of the Gothic kingdoms by the Huns in 372-375.

In the year 374 as adviser to the very young and tolerate Emperor Gratian Saint Ambrose insists that the fleeing Ostrogoth are not to enter the Realms of Roman territories. Why? Because a lot of these people are of the Arianic Faith and so, with in Saint Ambrose’s eyes Antichrists.

Picture Wikipedia: Ostroths fleeing starts 374-376
Saint Ambrose wrote two books under the title of :(”De fide”) to inform the young ruler Gratian that the
„Arians (in Italy and the Goths G.Sk.) have conspired against the Church of God!" (31)
Heroic he prophecies that Emperor Gratian’s Army will be victorious, that Jesus Christ Himself will lead the Roman Forces against these desperate and homeless People because they, when it is all said and done are the true followers of the faith. To Ambrose, State and Church were Inseparable. As a representative of the State he knew no mercy. Well he should have known that Jesus the Prince of Peace, author of goodwill towards all men would have little to do with his merciless attitudes. Undeterred he followed in the Pass set by Constantine, believing and practicing all of Constantine’s prescribed Ideals. Fact is: That many of the Gothic People had been baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, which in turn demands the keeping of all his teachings and the keeping of his commandments.
Did Jesus not say:

“He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.” (32) 
For that reason alone Ambrose should have taken appropriate, diplomatic steps to lead the matter of immigration in a peaceful manner. All these poor people desired was safety for their Families. Reflex Bows as used by the advancing Asian Forces, were of such efficiency that no European Army could stand against them. The young Emperor Gratian was convinced by Ambrose’s relentless arguments, perhaps even acting against his own conscience. We can only imagine the superiority of Ambrosia’s actions upon the 19 year’s old burdened ruler. Thus following the advice given by “Saint Ambrose” the Gothic (Arianic) people were forbidden to enter the Roman Empire. “Saint Ambrose” in order to add authority to his Arguments, called on Scriptures found in the Bible
„Gratian armed with the Sword of faith shall march towards victory. The war against the Gothic Nation and the impending Victory were foretold by the Prophet Ezekiel. The (arianic) Gothic Nation are Gog of whom Ezekiel had written. This is the reason why they with Gods assistance will be destroyed. (In Opposition) The Catholics with Gratian’s efforts will be the defenders of the true Faith.  For Faith in God and true allegiance to the Roman Empire must never be severed one from another. (The Gothic People) are Heretics. They are “Antichrists”—this Heresy is the Poison of all Heresies combined… (Judgment had been set in Concrete): …Total destruction upon all Gothic People - They are Arians - They are Heretics—they are Anti Christs.” (33)
Zosimus indicated: before Emperor Gratian was tolerant:

“that change occurred in Gratian's character when he fell under the influence of evil courtiers.” (34)
It remains to be seen: “Saint Ambrose” Bishop of Milan was an “evil courtier”.
Coercion and Christianity are like fire and water.
S. Brumfield said:

“The church used the power of the state to begin programs to oppress, exile or exterminate both Pagans and Gnostic Christians. By the end of the century, Pagan temples had been either destroyed or recycled for Christian use. Pagan worship became punishable by death. But government toleration was not without its cost. The Emperor Constantine and later political rulers demanded a major say in the running of the church and in decisions on its beliefs.”  (35)

5. The Ostrogothic Kingdom (400 ? or 493-553) 
Many believed that Arianism was

“A heresy which arose in the fourth century, by denying the Divinity of Jesus Christ.” (36)
 This is not true. Let us have a closer look at the arianic Faith about Christs Divinity:

“I (Wulfila Missionary to the gotic people), have always believed, and in this, the one true faith, I make the journey to my Lord; I believe in one God the Father, the only unbegotten and invisible, and in his only-begotten son, our Lord and God, the designer and maker of all creation, having none other like him …he is the Son, subject and obedient in all things to God who is his Father …“ (37)
The Goths had no choice. Saint Ambrose rejected them. He was convinced: the Arians (the Ostrogoth’s) denied the Divinity of Jesus Christ. 
But, their fight was not in vain. They were victorious. Soon they dominated the whole of Italy. There they created the Ostrogoth (arianic) Kingdom.

Picture Wikipedia: The Ostrogothic (arianic) Kingdom at its greatest extent.

From abt. 400 - 553 Ravenna was the Capitol of the Ostrogothic Kingdom. In the 6th century fanatical Trinitarians (through Emperor Justinian and his army) definitely destroyed not only the early Church, but also eliminated the Ostrogothic Kingdom.

6. Justinian I. (483 - 567)
He was now more than ever convinced that it was for the best
“interests of the Western Catholics to get rid of the Arian rulers and return to the unity of the Empire under the one ruler in Constantinople Justinian embarked on a gigantic military campaign for the recapture of the West. His first target was N. Africa and the kingdom of the Vandals which was based in Carthage. A relatively small army headed by the brilliant general Belisarius was enough to rout the Vandal troops and storm Carthage itself (533). After a few months, Belisarius had gained control of the greater part of N. Africa, Corsica, Sardinia and the Balearic Islands… When Belisarius entered Rome, Silverius (536-537) was the Pope, a cleric who had been installed with the help of the Goth rulers…. (38)
Goth rulers (all being Arians) never oppressed the roman church! They rendered everyman to be free. Justinian (482 – 565), Emperor of the east (Byzantine realm) lived in his own world of ideas. He tried to revive the empire's greatness by reconquering the lost western land.

“Justinian considered it his duty to regain provinces lost to the empire “through indolence,” and he could not ignore the trials of Catholics living under the rule of Arians (Christian heretics) in Italy and in North Africa. … Thinking that this was now his opportunity to support his fellow Catholics and to reassert direct control over the province, Justinian dispatched an army and sent Belisarius with a fleet to attack Sicily… After the defeat of the Ostrogothic king Witigis and the capture of Ravenna in 540, imperial administration was re-established in Italy (39)
 “Justinian's religious policy reflected the Imperial conviction that the unity of the Empire unconditionally presupposed unity of faith, and it appeared to him obvious that this faith could only be the orthodox (Nicaean Creed). … which would now vigorously continue. The Codex contained two statutes that decreed the total destruction of paganism, even in private life, these provisions were zealously enforced. Contemporary sources (John Malalas, Theophanes, John of Ephesus) tell us of severe persecutions, even of men in high positions.” (40)
Emperor Justinian one of the most unchristian like and brutal rulers reinforced the law of Cunctos populos. - He

“denied apocatastasis, making it the ninth of the ten doctrines in his edict against Origen in 545, and later that year, the doctrine was the fourteenth of the fifteen at the council in Constantinople that condemned Origen.” (41)
He denied “Pre-existence” as taught by Origen and Arius:

“If any one says or thinks that human souls pre-existed, that is, that they had previously been spirits and holy powers, but that satiated with the vision of God, they turned to evil, and in this way the divine love in them became cold and were condemned to punishment in bodies, let him be anathema.” (42)
Here are the principle of Exaltation a main doctrine of the primitive Church, as recorded by Origen:

"Only on the basis of virtue does one become a child of God and only in the acquisition of virtue by their own zeal man acquires the likeness of God. Indispensable for achieving the godlikeness is the freedom of choice." (43) 
Saint Ambrose with Cunctos populos and last not least Justinian by his condemnation of Origen ended such noble Ideas. Justinian commanded:

“If anyone does not anathematize Arius … and Origen, as well as their impious writings, as also all other heretics already condemned and anathematized by the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, and by the a foresaid four Holy Synods and (if anyone does not equally anathematize) all those who have held and hold or who in their impiety persist in holding to the end the same opinion as those heretics just mentioned: let him be anathema.“  (44)
Jesus taught that we should be humble, but in the place of virtuousness emerged pompous “Church services”, which from year to year became more extravagant.
  In the place of humble hearts they build golden altars and offered golden garments. The antic world collapsed. The freedom to choose had to be surrendered. 

7. The need of Restoration

Fear and superstition ruled the world.
”Obstinate heretics, refusing to abjure and return to the Church with due penance, and those who after abjuration relapsed, were to be abandoned to the secular arm for fitting punishment.” (45)
“When faced with a convicted heretic who refused to recant, or who relapsed into heresy, the inquisitors were to turn him over to the temporal authorities – the “secular arm” – for animadversion “debita”, the punishment decreed by local law, usually burning to death.” (46)
Then three major events occurred:
1. Reformers like Jan Hus (1369 - 1415), Wycliffe (1331 - 1384) and Martin Luther (1483 - 1546) entered the scene.
2. With the commencement of the declaration of Independence in 1776, the gates to Freedom were opened again.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” (47)
3. 1805, just one generation later Joseph Smith was born. With this event prerequisites were given.  The long awaited dawn of political and religious freedom, was ushered in for all mankind. The time of restitution and restoration had finally arrived.
Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believe that Joseph Smith (1805-1844) was foreordained in the pre-existence.
He, the founder of the LDS church wrote:

“It is true: That the rights of the priesthood are inseparably connected with the powers of heaven, and that the powers of heaven cannot be controlled nor handled only upon the principles of righteousness. That they may be conferred upon us, it is true; but when we undertake to cover our sins, or to gratify our pride, our vain ambition, or to exercise control or dominion or compulsion upon the souls of the children of men, in any degree of unrighteousness, behold, the heavens withdraw themselves; the Spirit of the Lord is grieved; and when it is withdrawn, Amen to the priesthood or the authority of that man.” (48)
“Mormons” believe the foundation for true religion is free agency: Whoever tried to force people to act against their own conscience will lose their rights to the priesthood. They say: However without divine authority there can be no Church of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ himself is and was the only one who could restore it. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints bear testimony that the keys of the priesthood are restored to the earth. Let us list some of the evidences.

Comparison and similarities: of the primitive Church and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and others

1.)       Pre-existence
2.)       Free agency
3.)       Consequences
4.)       Exaltation
5.)       God's Image
6.)       Continuing Revelation
7.) Connection between continuing revelation and true priesthood authority
8.)       Temple

1.  Pre-existence

Primitive Church
 The Apostle Paul taught that we are “the offspring of God” 
 and emphasized that as such “we are the children of God: 
 and if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with
 Christ.” (49)
Origen of Alexandria, (185-254) one of the greatest Christian
theologians, recorded that we are dual beings:
“The outer man (the man of flesh) and the inner man 
(the man of spirit).” (50)
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

“Now the Lord had shown unto me, Abraham, the intelligences
 that were organized before the world was; and among all 
these there were many of the noble and great ones…” (51)

Catholic Church

No pre-existence. In the year 543 Emperor Justinian 
eliminated the doctrine of pre-existence. He condemned 
Origin. As well as many other important doctrines.
In November 545 Justinian forced (Pope) Vigilius to go to
 Constantinople, where, despite brutal imperial pressure to
 condemn the writings, Vigilius long vacillated.” (52)
"The Church teaches that every spiritual soul is created 
immediately (in the moment of conception) by God - it is 
not "produced" by the parents - and also that it is immortal:
 it does not perish when it separates from the body at death,
 and it will be reunited with the body at the final resurrection.
...” (53) 

Ecumenical Movement
No pre-existence is the majority Christian opinion to 
the present day.

In the course of his writings the Jewish historian 
Flavius Josephus wrote about the beliefs of the Essenes. 
He reported they believed "that the souls are immortal,
and continue for ever." He further related that the 
Essenes believed that the souls of men "are united to
their bodies as in prisons" and that when the spirits are
set free they are "released from a long bondage" and 
ascend heavenward with great rejoicing. (54)
Claiming firsthand knowledge, Flavius Josephus 
lists the Essenoi as one of the three sects 
of Jewish philosophy alongside the Pharisees and 
the Sadducees. (55)
Likewise:The Passover in Aramaic called pacach 
(pawsakh) means  to “crossover“. The basic teaching of
the “cross over” signifies the crossing over of the 
physical body into the spiritual world, the true abode
of the soul.
The “crossing over” as recorded in the book of 
Exodus (Shemoth). There are many repeats of this
theme of the “crossing over” throughout the written 
history of the Thora. Many times these stories are 
related in the form of symbolism which is a way of speech 
used in many languages. “Over the Jordan” is the 
same symbolic as the Passover…. The Yardana, 
Jordan in Aramaic is the River of Life. Overlooking
the arguments of Theologians in Aramaic writ we can 
find many little Mosaic stones which permit us
to see a complete picture. A Picture to more fully recognize 
the faith and beliefs of the People. As for instance the
word “Bit Nitupta” which translated means the House of 
the Preexistence.”  (56)

2.   Free agency

Primitive Church
Bishop Irenaeus (130-202) said: “Men are possessed of free will, and endowed with the faculty of making a choice… (Matth. 23: 37) set forth the ancient law of human liberty, because God made man a free [agent] from the beginning, possessing his own power, even as he does his own soul, to obey the behests (ad utendum sententia) of God voluntarily, and not by compulsion of God.” (57)
 “Origen (185-254) did not understand the end of history as the final stage of a grand revelation of God, but rather as the culmination of a human-divine (co-operative) process, in which the image and likeness of God (humanity) is re-united with its source and model, God Himself (see Against Celsus 4.7; On First Principles 2.11.5, 2.11.7; Tripolitis 1978, p. 111). This is accomplished through education of souls who, having fallen away from God, are now sundered from the divine presence and require a gradual re-initiation into the mysteries of God. Such a reunion must not be accomplished by force, for God will never, Origen insists, undermine the free will of His creatures; rather, God will, over the course of numerous ages if need be, educate souls little by little, leading them eventually, by virtue of their own growing responsiveness, back to Himself, where they will glory in the uncovering of the infinite mysteries of the eternal godhead (On First Principles 2.11.6-7).”  (58)

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
“…one of God’s most precious gifts to man is the principle of free agency—the privilege of choice which was introduced by God the Eternal Father to all of his spirit children in the premortal state. This occurred in the great council in heaven before the peopling of this earth. The children of God were endowed with freedom of choice while yet but spirit beings. The divine plan provided that they be freeborn in the flesh and become heirs to the inalienable birthright of liberty to choose and act for themselves in mortality. It was essential for their eternal progression that they be subjected to the influences of both good and evil. (59)

Catholic Church

In the year 380 the binding law of “Cunctos populos” was declared. Every citizen of the Roman Empire had to accept the faith as prescribed by Constantine, Athanasius and Saint Ambrose: namely the Religion of Trinitarianism or of the “Creed of Nicaea”. In the spirit of violence, against Christs spirit of tolerance and freedom. Relentless was the opposition which Saint Ambrose exercised towards all other people.
1 640 years after the council of Nicaea declares the Second Vatican (1965): “that the human person has a right to religious freedom.” (60)
Ecumenical Movement
Different opinions. Main line churches have a commitment to religious freedoms
“There is no free will to salvation, we are free only to sin.” Luther (61)
According to Maimonides (abt. 1204) the greatest medieval Jewish thinker: “Free will is granted to every man!” (62)

3.    Consequences of violence

Primitive Church
In the Bardesanes dialogue (about) in the year 200 it states:
„Christianity brings new insights. It leaves behind all ethnic
differences and life styles. Converts follow Christ with joy. His 
spirit teaches us to require a higher moral standard. Free 
from all forced earthly bonds.(63)
Hippolytus (170-236), bishop in Rome stated:
„Recognition of truth must be followed by deeds of love.” (64)

 “…Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none
 of his.” (65)

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

“The rights of the priesthood are inseparably connected with 
the powers of heaven, and that the powers of heaven cannot 
be controlled nor handled only upon the principles of 
righteousness.” (66)

Catholic Church

In the past: no or little Consequences (punishment) for 
Coercion and violence caused by  Priests. (Dislocation)

Ecumenical Movement

Little are the Consequences (punishment) for Coercion 
and violence caused by  Priests.
Against their Critics they are strong.
"With heretics you need not make long Considerations
one can condemn them unheard. And while they perish 
at the stake, the faithful must destroy the evil by the root…” 

"Hate is practically forbidden in Judaism, but love for the 
enemy is not required. " (68)


4.  Exaltation

Primitive Church
"Only on the basis of virtue does one become a child of God and only in the acquisition of virtue by their own zeal man acquires the Likeness of God. Indispensable for achieving the godlikeness is the freedom of choice." (69) 
Emperor Justinian  ruled out the principles of exaltation and free agency, which were the main doctrines of the primitive Church.

“From the second to eighth centuries, the standard Christian term for salvation was theopoiesis or theosis, literally, "being made God," or deification.” (70)
„...The idea of ​​deification was the last and supreme among early Christians  according to Theophilius, Irenaeus, Hippolit und Origenes … Athanasius,Appolinares, Ephraim Syrus, Epiphanius.” (71)

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

“In the pre-existence we dwelt in the presence of God our Father. When the time arrived for us to be advanced in the scale of our existence and pass through this mundane probation, councils were held and the spirit children were instructed in matters pertaining to conditions in mortal life, and the reason for such an existence. In the former life we were spirits. In order that we should advance and eventually gain the goal of perfection, it was made known that we would receive tabernacles of flesh and bones and have to pass through mortality where we would be tried and proved to see if we, by trial, would prepare ourselves for exaltation. We were made to realize, in the presence of our glorious Father, who had a tangible body of flesh and bones which shone like the sun, that we were, as spirits, far inferior in our station to him” (72)

Catholic Church

The Mormon church uses the term "eternal progression" for this process, and it refers to 
godhood as "exaltation." Such euphemisms are used because the idea of men becoming gods is blasphemous to orthodox Christians. (73)
But Pope Benedict XVI. said: In this work Athanasius says with an affirmation that has rightly become famous that the Word of God "was made man so 
that we might be made God(s)...“ (74)

Ecumenical Movement
 “The Mormon doctrine of God does not correspond to the Christian doctrine of the Trinity. …The Mormon doctrine of God includes many gods, not one. Furthermore, Mormonism teaches that we are what God once was and are becoming what He now is. That is in direct conflict with Christian orthodoxy... Here is the bottom line…” (75)


Jews shared some of the crucial biblical texts underlying deification.(76) 

5.  God's Image

Primitive Church
Stephen said: “Which of the prophets have not your fathers persecuted? … When they heard these things, they were cut to the heart, and they gnashed on him with their teeth. But he, being full of the Holy Ghost, looked up steadfastly into heaven, and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God, and said, Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God. (77)  “… And when he (Jesus) had spoken these (last) things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight. And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel; Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.” (78)

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
“Latter-day Saints acknowledge the Father as the ultimate object of their worship, the Son as Lord and Redeemer, and the Holy Spirit as the messenger and revealer of the Father and the Son. But where (Mormons”) differ from other Christian religions is in their belief that God and Jesus Christ are glorified, physical beings and that each member of the Godhead is a separate being.(79)

Catholic Church

And yet they are not three Gods; but one God… For as we are compelled by the Christian verity, to acknowledge every Person by himself to be God and Lord, so are we forbidden by the catholic religion to belief it.”  (80)
Athanasius (296-373) repeated many times :
 “God does not look like a human… Arius and his people (the Arians) are enemies of God… They are blasphemers.” (81)
 Who caused the great change: Pope Benedict XVI. said 2006:
“It is important to state clearly the God in whom we believe, and to proclaim confidently that this God has a human face.” (82)

Ecumenical Movement

“Mormonism rejects the central logic of this doctrine (one God in three eternal persons) and develops its own doctrine of God - a doctrine that bears practically no resemblance to Trinitarian theology.” (83) 

 “Ancient Jews believed that many gods exist but felt that should only worship y-h-v-h- and maintained this notion for hundreds of years, and this fact is found in hundreds of verses in the Hebrew Bible. This is not monotheism, but monolatry. Monotheism is the belief that only a single god exists. Monolatry is the belief that many gods exist but only one should be served.” (84)

6.  Continuing Revelation

Primitive Church
Jesus taught: Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone? Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent? If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?” (85)
Apostle James said: “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraided not; and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering...” (86)

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Mormons believe in the need for a constant communication with God, which is known as divine revelation. This principle was the basis of Arius’s faith.
We can find the evidences in Ravennas Mosaics which were created by Arians between 527-548. Every dispensation needs direct revelation from God, like Melchisedek and Moses. They received it from above, through the veil. (see picture below)
“Revelation is communication from God to His children. This guidance comes through various channels according to the needs and circumstances of individuals, families, and the Church as a whole. When the Lord reveals His will to the Church, He speaks through His prophet. Prophets are the only people who can receive revelation for the Church, but they are not the only people who can receive revelation. According to our faithfulness, we can receive revelation to help us with our specific personal needs, responsibilities, and questions and to help us strengthen our testimony.” (87)

Catholic Church

 “God has revealed himself fully by sending his own Son, in whom he has established his covenant for ever. The Son is his Father's definitive Word; so there will be no further Revelation after him… Any person questioning God or desiring some vision or revelation would be guilty not only of foolish behaviour but also of offending him, by not fixing his eyes entirely upon Christ and by living with the desire for some other novelty.” (88)

Ecumenical Movement
Many Christians believe in the possibility and even reality of private revelations, messages from God for individuals, which can come in a variety of ways. 

“Where there is no vision, the people perish…” (89)

7. Connection between continuing revelation and true priesthood authority

Primitive Church


The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
“Simon the son of Jonas, on the occasion of his first 
recorded interview with Jesus had received from the 
Lord’s lips the distinguishing name-title “Peter,” or 
in the Aramaic tongue “Cephas,” the English equivalent 
of which is “a rock” or “a stone”. The name was confirmed 
upon the apostle on the occasion now under consideration. 
Jesus said to him “thou art Peter,” adding, “and upon this 
rock I will build my church.” In the course of the general 
apostasy subsequent to the ancient apostolic ministry, 
the Bishop of Rome laid claim to supreme authority as 
the alleged lineal successor to Peter; and an erroneous 
doctrine gained currency to the effect that Peter was 
the “rock” upon which the Church of Christ was founded. 
Detailed consideration of this inconsistent and infamous 
claim cannot be undertaken here; it is sufficient to say
that a church founded or dependent upon Peter or any 
other man would be Peter’s or the other man’s church, 
and not the Church of Jesus Christ. That upon Peter 
rested the responsibility of presidency in the ministry, 
after the ascension of the resurrected Christ, is not 
questioned; but that he was, even typically, the foundation 
upon which the Church was built, is at once unscriptural 
and untrue. The Church of Jesus Christ must authoritatively
bear His name, and guided by revelation, direct and 
continuous, as the conditions of its building require. 
Revelation from God to His servants invested with 
the Holy Priesthood through authorized ordination as 
was Peter is the impregnable “rock” upon which the 
Church is built.” (90)
Eli lost his Priesthood: “For I (the Lord) have told him 
that I will judge his house for ever for the iniquity which 
he knoweth; because his sons made themselves vile, and 
 he restrained them not. And therefore I have sworn unto 
the house of Eli, that the iniquity of Eli’s house shall not 
be purged with sacrifice nor offering for ever.” (91)
There is no divine priesthood authority in Constantine’s 
Church. The Church of Jesus Christ needs permanent 
priesthood authority. (92)

Catholic Church

 “…there will be no further Revelation after Christ”…
The anointing of the Spirit seals the priest with an indelible, 
spiritual character that configures him to Christ the priest 
and enables him to act in the name of Christ the Head.” (93)

Ecumenical Movement
The Protestant Church rejects a special priesthood in the 
Church on principle.”  (94) 
Dr. Martin Luther adduces a general priesthood in 
Christendom, it means: priesthood of all believers. 


There is no High Priest in Judaism today…      A rabbi is not a priest… A rabbi is simply a teacher, a person sufficiently educated in halakhah (Jewish law) (95)

8.  Temple

Primitive Church

Peter visited the temple after Christ’s ascendance (96) Paul visited the Jerusalem temple after his conversion (97) Arians testify the important of temple work. See below
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
"Temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are sacred structures in which eternal questions are answered."  Throughout history the Lord has commanded His people to build temples. Temples are literally houses of the Lord. They are holy places of worship where individuals make sacred promises with God.” (98)

Catholic Church
“Catholic theology would have to note that there is a tremendous amount in Mormonism that is neither true nor good.” (99)

 Ecumenical Movement

One reporter asked R. Philip Roberts, director, Interfaith Witness Division for the Southern Baptist Convention: "Is Mormonism heresy?"
" 'Yes,' replied Roberts, after prefacing his response with a fairly lengthy description of 'dogmatic Mormonism' which he said includes such beliefs as God having once been a mortal man and that LDS temple attendance is essential for the fullness of salvation. 'And it compromises one's salvation?' the reporter asked. 'Yes,' (100)

Judaism: “Tradional Jews believe that The Temple will be rebuild when the Mashiach (Messiah) comes. They eagerly await that day and pray for it continually.” (101)


With the modern Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints the temple of the Arians comes back to Italy. It comes to link nations and mankind and brings back the tolerance that was peculiar to the Arianers. It also admonishes to rehabilitate the Arianers who were banished by the main Church. It remains to be realized that the modern Catholic Church and the so-called "Mormonism" are friendly counterparts.

Is it not wonderful that the elements of the Temple  of the Arianers and those of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints obviously fit together?

Are those facts not proof of the Goodness of God who restored what was lost?

Salbaroliverlag: Mosaics in Ravenna

Rome, Italy Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

1.  Maßgebliche Werke des Hl. Athanasius in der Übersetzung der "Bibliothek der Kirchenväter" (auch in RTF-Format) transl. by Ingrid Skibbe
2.  KIRCHE HEUTE, Mai 2006
3.  Alexander Demandt „Diokletian und die Tetrarchie“ – „Aspekte einer Zeitenwende“ Walter de Gruyter, 2004, S. 31 u.a. transl by Ingrid Skibbe
4.  Ebenda
5.   “Kleine Geschichte der katholischen Kirche” transl by Ingrid Skibbe
In 1962 Hans Küng was appointed peritus by Pope John XXIII. serving as an expert theological advisor to members of the II. Vatican Council until its conclusion in 1965.
6.  Adolf von Harnack, Lehrbuch der Dogmengeschichte
7.  Handwörterbuch für Theologie und Religionswissenschaft, dritte völlig neu bearb. Auflage, vierter Band Kop-O, J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Tübingen, 1960, p 1696,
8.   Rabbi Dr. Israel Drazin in  Jewish Books | Judaism | Jewish Religion
9.  Joseph Fielding Smith “Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith“ 2009, p 370
10.         Joseph Smith, “The King Follett Sermon”, Ensign April 1971
11.         John 8: 48-59
12.         John 18: 3-8 
13.         Joh. Adam Moehler “Athanasius der Große und die Kirche in seiner Zeit”, 1844
14.         Ephesians 5: 20
15.         Rudolf Leeb „Konstantin und Christus“ – die Verchristlichung der imperialen Repräsentation, Walter de Gruyter, 1992 transl by Ingrid Skibbe
16.         H. Chr. Brennecke „Ecclesia in republica“ Theologiegeschichte, de Gruyter S. 47-48 transl by Ingrid Skibbe
17.          Bischof Koch, (katholische) Pfarrblätter, Oct 2008 transl by Ingrid Skibbe
18.         “Familia Spiritualis Opus”
19.         Handwörterbuch für Theologie und Religionswissenschaft, dritte völlig neu bearb. Auflage, vierter Band Kop-O, J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Tübingen, 1960, p 1696,
20.         R Pavouris - 2001, “The Condemnation of the Christlology of the three Chapters in its Historical and Doctrinal Context THE ASSESSMENT AND JUDGEMENT OF EMPEROR JUSTINIAN AND THE FIFTH ECUMENICAL COUNCIL (553) Theses University of Glasgow, 2001
22.         Maßgebliche Werke des Hl. Athanasius in der Übersetzung der "Bibliothek der Kirchenväter" (auch in RTF-Format) transl. by Ingrid Skibbe
23.         Pfarrer Ernst Ferdinand Klein, „Zeitbilder“, 1930, Acker-Verlag Berlin  
24.         Martin Rade lic. Theol. „Damasus, Bischof von Rom“, 1882
25.         John Norman Davidson Kelly: The Oxford Dictionary of Popes
26.         Text Cunctos populos
27.         Ehler, Sidney Zdeneck; Morrall, John B (1967). “Church and State Through the Centuries: A Collection of Historic Documents with Commentaries.” p. 6
28.         R Pavouris - 2001, The Condemnation of the Christlology of the three Chapters in its Historical and Doctrinal Context THE ASSESSMENT AND JUDGEMENT OF EMPEROR JUSTINIAN AND THE FIFTH ECUMENICAL COUNCIL (553) Theses University of Glasgow, 2001
29.         John N. Deely “For Ages of Understanding: The First Postmodern Survey of Philosophy from Ancient Times to the turn of the Twenty-first Century” the English rendition from Gibbon, University of Toronto Press 2001, p 179-180.
30.         Ana Maria C.M. Jorge “The Lusitanian Episcopate in the 4th Century. - Priscilian of Ávila and the Tensions Between Bishops”:
31.         Günther Gottlieb „Ambrosius von Mailand und Kaiser Gratian“ Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1973 S. 13 Ingrid Skibbe
32.         John 14:21
33.         Günther Gottlieb „Ambrosius von Mailand und Kaiser Gratian“ Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1973 S. 13 Ingrid Skibbe
34.         Zosimus (4.35)
35.         Shantelle Brumfield „History of the World Ethic of Development in the Global Environment, Stanford University, 2004
36.         CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Arianism - New Advent › Catholic Encyclopedia
37.         M Pl. Suppl. I. 707
38., 2007
39.         Blaumeiser Horlacher, Collorgues Geschichte
40.         R. Pavouris “Theses”, 2001 - University of Glasgow
41.         Encyclopaedia Britannica, Justinian
42.         Bulgars and Bulgarians - Page 41 - Historum - History Forums
43.         H. Benjamins „Eingeordnete Freiheit; Freiheit und Vorsehung bei    Origenes.“ E.J. Brill, 1994  transl. by Ingrid Skibbe
44.         Medieval Sourcebook: Fifth Ecumenical Council:   Constantinople II, 553. Fordham University, 1996.
45.         Lea, Henry Charles “Chapter VII. “The Inquisition Founded” A History of the Inquisition in the Middle Age”
46.         Edward Peters “Inquisition”, 1988 University of California p 67
47.         The Declaration of Independence, 1776
48.         Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Doctrine & Covenant Sect. 121: 35
49.         Acts 17: 29; Romans 8: 16-17
50.         According to Origen: Rom 7:22; 2 Corinthians 4:16.
51.         Pearl of Great Price Abraham 3: 22
52.         „Encyclopedia Britannica“
53.            Catechism of the Catholic Church, 366
54.         Josephus (c.75). “The Wars of the Jews”
55.               Robert Mock M.D. “The Essenes, the Hasidim and the Righteous Gentile of the Nations” 2006
56.         Volker Doormann, ‘PhilTalk Philosophieforen’ Thema „Präexistenz und zur Passah Symbolik“ transl. by Ingrid Skibbe
57.         CatholicEncyclopaedia
58.         The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (IEP), 1995
59.         Delbert L. Stapley  of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, General Conference, 1975
See: Konrad Hilpert, „Die Anerkennung der Religionsfreiheit“
1 640 years after the council of Nicäa declares the Second Vatican (1965) that the human person has a right to religious freedom. This freedom means that all men are to be immune from coercion on the part of individuals or of social groups and of any human power, in such wise that no one is to be forced to act in a manner contrary to his own beliefs, whether privately or publicly, whether alone or in association with others, within due limits. The council further declares that the right to religious freedom has its foundation in the very dignity of the human person…”

61.               The Encyclopedia of Christinity, 2008  a statement from U.S. Lutheran–Roman Catholic dialogue,, p 272
62.               Louis Jacob “A Jewish Theology”, 1973
63.         Hans Lietzmann „Geschichte der alten Kirche“ de Gruyter 1999. S. 267 u 568 transl. by Ingrid Skibbe
64.         A. Grabner-Haider-Maier „Kulturgeschichte des frühen Christentums“ S. 85 transl. by Ingrid Skibbe
65.         Roman 8: 9
66.         Doctrine & Covenant 121: 16
67.         Dr. Martin Luther Tischreden, Bd III, S. 175 trans by Ingrid Skibbe
68.         David Flusser: A new Sensitivity in Judaism and the Christian Message. Harvard Theological Review 61/1968, S. 126
69.         .H. Benjamins „Eingeordnete Freiheit; Freiheit und Vorsehung bei    Origenes.“ E.J. Brill, 1994  transl. by Ingrid Skibbe
70.         Norman, Keith E. ”Deification, Early Christian”,  “The Encyclopaedia of Mormonism” 1992
71.         Adolf von Harnack „Dogmengeschichte“, Mohr-Siebeck, 1990 S. 46
72.         Joseph Fielding Smith, Doctrines of Salvation, 1:57
73.               “Catholic Answer: The Gods of the Mormon Church” 2015
74.               Benedict XVI. Vatican General Audience 20 June 2007
75.               R. Albert Mohler Jr. president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary – the flagship school of the Southern Baptist Convention: Debates about Faith „Mormonism Is Not Christianity June 2007
76.         Norman, Keith E. ”Deification, Early Christian”,  “The Encyclopaedia of Mormonism” 1992
77.         Acts 7: 52-58
78.         Acts 1: 8-11
79.         The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: “Godhead”
80.         Athanasian Creed
81.         Maßgebliche Werke des Hl. Athanasius in der Übersetzung der "Bibliothek der Kirchenväter" (auch in RTF-Format) transl. by Ingrid Skibbe
82.               Pope Benedikt XVI. Regensburg Tuesday, 12 September 2006
83.         R. Albert Mohler Jr “Debates about Faith „Mormonism Is Not Christianity June 2007
84.         Rabbi Dr. Israel Drazin 2012 Jewish Books | Judaism | Jewish Religion
85.         Matth. 7: 7-11
86.         NT James 1:5
87.               The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: “Revelation”
88.         Catechism of the Catholic Church
89.         Proverb 29: 18 
90.         James E. Talmage:Simon Peter and the “Rock” of Revelation”
91.         1 Samuel 3: 13-14
92.         NT Hebrew 7: 11-12
93.         Catechism of the Catholic Church

94.               Heimatverein der Samtgemeinde Borgloh e.V.
96.         Acts 3: 1
97.         Acts 21: 26
98.         The Church of Jesus Christ of Letter-day-Saints   President Gordon B. Hinckley
99.         Catholic Answers “What does the Catholic Church say about the practices and beliefs of Mormonism?
100.     Meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention in Salt Lake City during 1998
101.     Tracey R. Rich Judaism 101 “Synagogues, Shuls and Temples”, 2012R. Rich Judaism 101 “Synagogues, Shuls and Temples”, 2012

Sonntag, 13. Dezember 2015

Die evangelische Kirche Deutschlands, (EKD) dokumentierte ihre Missachtung der Lehren Christi

1999 schlummerte die evangelische Kirche die aktiven Verteidiger des Christusglaubens von der permanenten Notwendigkeit  ihres Tuns des Guten nahezu ein. Das geht aus diesem Statement der "Gemeinsamen Erklärung zur Rechtfertigungslehre vom 31. Oktober 1999" klar hervor. Ihr Tenor lautet:  Du musst dich nicht anstrengen deine Religion zu leben. Du hast vor Gott nur die Pflicht auf ihn zu vertrauen. Da, im erwähnten Papier, heißt es: 

"Wir werden umsonst erlöst... Rechtfertigung geschieht allein aus Gnade... sola gratia. 

Das hat Christus nie gelehrt. Er setzte die Kriterien der Erlösung. Sie fanden keine Erwähnung.
Angesichts der wachsenden Bedrohung unserer angeblich christlich orientierten Welt durch rabiate Islamisten stehen wir allesamt in der Pflicht, mit den uns von Gott verliehenen Talenten zu "wuchern", "unser Licht leuchten zu lassen"... wir haben "das Salz der Erde" zu sein. Wir haben zu verinnerlichen, dass wir "alles was wir einem Geringen getan haben, ihm antun"... Wir haben die Gefangenen zu besuchen und sie herauszuholen aus ihrem Elend.
Das wir dies tun müssen, um letztlich vor Gott gerechtfertigt dazustehen kommt in der sogenannten Rechtfertigungslehre nicht zum Ausdruck. Im Gegenteil. 

Bewusst oder nicht wird dort verdrängt, dass Luther noch klar betonte, dass wir einmal vor Gott zu verantworten haben, was  wir angerichtet haben. 
 In den vielen Sätzen dieser "Erklärung" kommt Jesus nicht zu Wort - außer in einem völlig aus dem Zusammenhang gerissenen Zitat, das Petrus und seinen rechtmäßigen Nachfolgern die Vollmacht verleiht, Sünden zu vergeben -. 
Die "Gemeinsame Erklärung" beruft sich wieder und wieder auf Paulusbekenntnisse.

Aber es ist nicht einmal lupenreiner Paulinismus der da verkündet wird. Denn diesen Paulussatz: "Irret euch nicht, was der Mensch sät, das wird er ernten!" Galater 6: 17 unterschlägt die Erklärung.
Dieser Satz jedoch relativiert sämtliches Schrifttum Pauli!

Weil das der Fall ist, wurde er ausgeklammert. Doch die Aussage, dass der Mensch ernten wird was er sät, ist auch logisch unanfechtbar.
Man muss, manchmal sehr mühsam, Gutes säen.
Die Konsequenz der "Erklärung" lädt dagegen geradezu zur Faulheit ein, zum Nichtstun, während die Gebote Christi generell lauten: Bemüht euch! z.B. um eure Vervollkommnung. Wörtlich und im Zentrum der Bergpredigt steht darum jene große Aufgabe festgeschrieben, die ganz und gar nicht ins Konzept des Protestantismus passt:

"Darum sollt ihr vollkommen sein, gleichwie euer Vater im Himmel, vollkommen ist!"

Hier handelt es sich jedoch nicht um ein rhetorisches Element einer Predigt, sondern um ein Gebot Christi! 
Fest steht: ein um Perfektion bemühter Artist muss täglich sechs bis zehn Stunden harte Arbeit leisten.

Der Heidenapostel Paulus  wurde allerdings ohne sich darum bemüht zu haben Christ, Gott selbst rief ihn an. Er hat ausnahmsweise auf diesem Weg erfahren, dass er in die falsche Richtung gelaufen war.
Dieser Fall kann und darf aber nicht verallgemeinert werden.

Das hätte Paulus sich sagen müssen. Er stellt stellenweise die damalige Kirchenlehre in Frage: "bemühe dich Licht zu erlangen", indem er wiederholt verkündet: er selbst sei aus reiner Gnade von Gott aus dem Irrtum und Dunkel der Ablehnung herausgerissen worden... und so überhöht er den Begriff Gnade.  
Gnade, Gnade, Gnade. Sola gratia!  
Petrus der Präsident der noch jungen Kirche ist empört, dass Paulus - "unser gelieber Bruder Paulus" - mit bedeutenden Begriffen, wie diesem, recht missverständlich umgeht. Weitsichtig ist er verärgert darüber, dass Paulus nicht ganz unschuldig daran ist, wenn Spätere, wie die Damen und Herren Verfasser der "Gemeinsamen Erklärung" von 1999, es wagen den folgenden Widersinn zu Papier zu bringen: 

Petrus Gnadenverständnis unterscheidet sich von dem seines Juniorpartners erheblich. Das muss er korrigierend aussprechen. Er, Petrus ist die, von Jesus eingesetzte "Säule" der Kirche, nicht Paulus. Petrus hat in Sachen Theologie das letzte Wort.
Er weist den übereifrigen Mann, wenn auch sehr behutsam, zurecht. Um zu definieren was die Kirche unter dem Begriff "Gnade" verstehen soll erläutert Petrus:

"... wenn ihr um guter Taten willen leidet und es ertragt,  
das ist Gnade bei Gott.
Denn dazu seid ihr berufen, da auch Christus gelitten hat für euch und euch ein Vorbild hinterlassen, dass ihr sollt nachfolgen seinen Fußtapfen; er, der keine Sünde getan hat und in dessen Mund sich kein Betrug fand;..." 1. Petrusbrief 2: 2-25

In Christi Fußtapfen gehen ist Gnade... 
Petrus wird sich sehr zusammen genommen haben, nicht aus der Haut zu fahren, eben weil Paulus verallgemeinert, was nicht verallgemeinert werden darf.  Denn wie der Trend des Judentums, war seines Herrn Lehre, die des Tuns des Guten. Allerdings bestand das jüdische Verstehen vom Tun des Guten, nicht wie bei den Christen darin Ketzer zu köpfen, wie an Bischof Priscillian im Jahr 385 geschehen, oder etwa darin eine ganze Gemeinde auszurotten weil sie urchristlich glaubte, wie 366, unter aktiver Teilnahme des Papstes Damasus zu Rom geschehen. 

Jahrelang begleitete Petrus seinen Christus. Er hatte jedes Wort und seinen Geist in sich aufgesogen. Kaum jemand kannte, wie er, die ewig gültigen Prinzipien des Erlösers.  Er schreibt entschieden und zugleich sehr um Versöhnung bemüht:

Seid überzeugt, dass die Geduld (griech. ypomoni) unseres Herrn 
eure Rettung ist. Das hat euch auch unser geliebter Bruder Paulus 
mit der ihm geschenkten Weisheit geschrieben; es steht in allen seinen Briefen, in denen er davon spricht. In ihnen ist manches schwer zu verstehen und die Unwissenden, die noch nicht gefestigt sind, verdrehen diese Stellen 
ebenso wie die 
übrigen Schriften zu ihrem eigenen Verderben.2. Petrus 3: 15-16

Petrus kennt den Begriff Gnade sehr wohl, verwendt ihn hier aus guten Gründen nicht. Petrus geht sehr weit. Er warnt. Paulus Trugschluss führe unweigerlich ins Verderben. Wegweisend fand er für den ersten Satz einen Begriff der die Erwartungshaltung Gottes einschließt: wir könnten mehr tun. Der Herr warte auf dieses unser Guttun mit schier unglaublicher "Geduld". 
Jakobus, dagegen, des "Herren Bruder" konnte Paulus ständige Überbetonung einer durchaus wichtigen Lehre - wenn sie im Licht der Bergpredigt betrachtet wird - nicht mehr hören. Verärgert fragt er zurück: Soll daraus folgen, gute Taten wären zur Erlösung nicht nötig? Jakobus schreit die Antwort: "NEIN!" , geradezu heraus:
 "Willst du aber erkennen, du eitler Mensch, daß der 
Glaube ohne Werke tot sei?" Jakobus 2: 20

In seinem Brief an die Galater reagiert Paulus, sei es auf schriftliche oder mündliche Hinweise schließlich. Er korrigiert sich, sieht sich plötzlich in der Pflicht Missverständnissen vorzubeugen und schreibt - nun unmissverständlich - : Irret euch nicht, was der Mensch sät, das wird er ernten.

Die "Gemeinsame Erklärung" lullt dagegen sogar echte Christen ein, als wäre das Werk schon getan und nun sei "Holiday" angesagt. 

Das Nichttun, - die Kontemplation, das Nichtsdazutun - sowie jede Art von Lehre der Idee vom "Nichtsdazubeitragenkönnen" betrachtet Petrus  als eine ins Verderben führende Lebenseinstellung.
Wie Paulus geht es ihm um die Frage der persönlichen Erlösung. Für Petrus allerdings ist es eine massive Irrlehre etwas zu verkünden, dass zur Annahme führen könnte, der bloße Glaube an Christus genüge um den schuldig gewordenen Menschen freizusprechen. 
Eben diese von Petrus verworfene Geisteshaltung und Philosphie wird fast anderthalbtausend Jahre später Martin Luther aus seinen persönlichen, durchaus nachvollziehbaren Gründen zur Basislehre seiner Theologie erklären.
Sie wird zwar den Protestantismus hervorbringen aber ihn zugleich in den Untergang der Bedeutungslosigkeit treiben.

Natürlich kann man Martin Luther verstehen: er hatte vom Tun her geleistet was er konnte... und fühlte sich dennoch verdammt. In den vielen Jahren seiner Zeit als Augustinermönch war er überstreng mit sich selbst umgegangen und war bemüht alles zu halten was die Ordensregeln - aber nicht Christus - von ihm verlangten:

  "Wahr ist's, ein frommer Mönch bin ich gewesen und habe so gestrenge meinen Orden gehalten, dass ich's sagen darf: Ist je ein Mönch gen Himmel kommen durch Möncherei, so wollt' ich auch hinein kommen sein. Das werden mir bezeugen alle meine Klostergesellen, die mich gekannt haben. Denn ich hätte mich, wo es länger gewähret hätte, zu Tode gemartert mit Wachen, Beten, Lesen und anderer Arbeit."

Da fühlen wir alle in liebevoller Weise mit ihm und stehen an seiner Seite, denn vor und zu seinen Zeiten wollten die Christen durch ‚besonders gute Taten’ Erlösung finden, nämlich in Pilgerreisen, im Reliquienerwerb (die ohnehin überwiegend Falsifikate darstellten), in der Teilnahme an endlosen Kreuz- und Kriegszügen gegen Islam, Heiden-, Ketzer- und Judentum. Das Gutsein bestand aus Kasteiungen, langanhaltenden Wiederholungen gewisser Floskeln, im fast pausenlosen "Vater-unser" Geplapper und im geradezu blinden Gehorsam gegenüber jeweiligen kirchlichen Vorgesetzten. Das waren weder Guttaten noch waren sie wünschenswert.

Aber dann fiel Bruder Martin ins andere Extrem mit Verneinung der Fähigkeit des Menschen zu seiner Erlösung beizutragen. Was dabei praktisch an Gleichgültigkeit der meisten lutherisch Gläubigen herauskam ist unübersehbar negativ.

Ganz anders Joseph Smith:
Joseph Smith 1805-1844
Er sagte er habe zuvor Gott um Erkenntnis gebeten und dann seien ihm diese Worte offenbart worden:

"Wahrlich (der allmächtige Gott, Schöpfers Himmel und der Erde) sagt: Die Menschen sollen sich voll Eifer einer guten Sache widmen und vieles aus ihrem eigenen, freien Willen tun und viel Rechtschaffenheit zustande bringen;
 denn die Macht ist in ihnen, wodurch sie für sich selbst handeln können.Lehre und Bündnisse 58:27


" für Erasmus (von Rotterdam) war es schon aus pädagogischen Gründen nicht anders
denkbar, als dass der Mensch durch seinen freien Willen an seinem Heil mitwirkt. Luther
dagegen war im Hinblick auf die sittlichen Möglichkeiten des Menschen äußerst pessimistisch.
Für ihn hing alles allein von der freien Gnade des allmächtigen Gottes ab, die für ein auch noch
so geringes Mitwirken des Menschen am Heil keinen Platz ließ."   Thomas Martin Schneider "Freiheit bei Martin Luther"

Diese Einstellung ist immer noch die Linie der offiziellen evangelischen Kirche Deutschlands. Auch weil "Mormonismus" dem entgegensteht, verurteilen gewisse Exponenten des Protestantismus die Kirche Jesu Christi der Heiligen der Letzten Tage.
Origenes beteuerte es ebenfalls wie Joseph Smith und damit völlig anders als Luther, der immer von der eigenen Erfahrung ausgeht, aber eben nicht berücksichtigt, dass die Forderungen seines (Kloster-) Ordens andere waren, als die des Christus die er in der Bergpredigt formuliert hatte. Der große Alexandriner (Origenes) verkannte keineswegs die Rolle der Gnade Christi, doch er lehnte jede Übertreibung konsequent zurück: 

„Zwar sind alle Geschöpfe ganz auf Gott angewiesen, eigene
Anstrengungen werden durch seine Gnade weit überwogen. Aber die
Vorsehung hat alle Regungen des freien Willens von Ewigkeit vorausgesehen
und eingeplant, und sie werden gerecht vergolten.“
 Handwörterbuch für Theologie und Religionswissenschaft ... Mohr - Siebeck, 3. Auflage

Das ist ausgewogener, verständlicher Klartext. Er erregt keinen Widerspruch.
Wären die Großkirchen bei Origenes (185-254) geblieben dann hätten sie sich nicht dermaßen arrogant gegen Christus verhalten, indem sie, gleich nach der staatlichen Anerkennung des Katholizismus, im 4. Jahrhundert, alles Menschenmögliche unternahmen - und zwar jahrhundertelang -, die Freiheit der Kinder Gottes zu vernichten!   

Dafür gibt es keine Entschuldigung!
Weil sie es taten rief der allmächtige Gott die Kirche Jesu Christi der Heiligen der Letzten Tage, 1830, erneut ins Leben.
ER restaurierte was Menschen verdarben. 

Die meisten Mitglieder der Kirche Jesu Christi sehen allerdings, dass innerhalb der katholischen sowie der Evangelischen Kirche Deutschlands schon seit Luthers  Zeiten und auch gegenwärtig schwache Strömungen vorhanden sind, die Weitherzigkeit und Versöhnungsbereitschaft erkennen lassen. 
Es gibt Querdenker und Aussagen von Protestanten mit Gewicht die eben nicht mehr lutherisch sind.
Dazu gehören solche Bekenntnisse wie das von Frau Prof. Dr. Regine Schulz Direktorin des Roemer- und Pelizaeus-Museums. Sie sprach, 2012, in ihrer Kanzelrede in der Andreas-Kirchengemeinde Hildesheim über „Tod,  Auferstehung und Ewiges Leben“ im Alten Ägypten.
Es ist für die Mitglieder der Kirche Jesu Christi der Heiligen der Letzten Tage erstaunlich zu hören, wie Frau Prof. Dr. Regine Schulz  - wenn auch sehr, sehr feinsinnig, aber immerhin - Luther die Stirn bietet und dabei ungewollt die ersten beiden Kapitel des Buches Abraham (in der mormonischen Zusatzschrift "Köstliche Perle") bestätigt!, indem sie sagt:
   "dass den Menschen des Alten Ägypten  die Frage nach dem Glauben ganz fremd gewesen sei sie hatten nicht einmal ein Wort dafür. Ihre Vorstellung von der Götterwelt und der Ordnung des diesseitigen und jenseitigen Lebens sei nach ihren Begriffenüberliefertes Wissen gewesen, die Wahrheit. Sie fürchteten das Totengericht, denn das Weiterleben nach dem Tod hing vom Wohlverhalten im Diesseits ab. Es gab Hoffnung auf Gerechtigkeit,  Hoffnung auf Gnade gab es nicht.
Der Maßstab für das richtige Leben sei zusammengefasst im Begriff Ma`at, der sich nicht übersetzen lasse, weil er viele Bedeutungen einschließt: Gerechtigkeit, Ordnung, Weisheit."

Solche Statements sind für "Mormonen" mehr  als erfreulich - obwohl sie, wie gesagt, derselben Überzeugung wie Origenes sind, dass "alle Geschöpfe ganz auf Gott angewiesen, eigene Anstrengungen werden durch seine Gnade weit überwogen. Aber die Vorsehung hat alle Regungen des freien Willens von Ewigkeit vorausgesehenund eingeplant, und sie werden gerecht vergolten."
Solche Erklärungen tragen der Vernunft Rechnung. 

Gemäß dem Berichterstatter des Evangelisch-lutherischen Kirchenkreises Hildesheim, Sarstedt ließen die Äußerungen der Ägyptologin die Folgerung zu:
"Die Personifizierung des umfassenden Begriffes in der Göttin Ma`at schaffe eine Verbindung zur Person Christi,..."

Bravo!, denn eben dies lehrte Joseph Smith. Es war kein Geringerer als der Superintendent Helmut Aßmann im Gespräch mit der Museumsdirektorin, 
der dies zum Ausdruck brachte.

"Er leitete den Abend als Lektor, schuf einen 
Rahmen von Liedern und Gebeten zum 
Thema Tod und Auferstehung. In einem Kurzinterview stellte er der Gastrednerin eigene und von Besuchern notierte Fragen, zum Beispiel die nach ihrer eigenen Jenseitsvorstellung. Sie sei Protestantin, sagte Regine Schulz. Und der festen Überzeugung, dass das Verhalten im Diesseits sich auf das Leben im Jenseits auswirke." 

Eben dies ist reiner "Mormonismus", aber das Gegenstück zum Protestantismus.

Die schlichte Logik verlangt die Übereinstimmung mit Origenes und den zuverlässigsten Kirchenvätern, sowie dem Lehrgut der ältesten Apostel!

Danke Joseph Smith! Dank Gott ist es so, dass wir niemals  Spielbälle des Allmächtigen waren, sondern hochbegabte und geliebte Gotteskinder sind. Wir haben unser Vermögen zugunsten einer besseren Welt von Morgen einzusetzen.