Samstag, 22. September 2012

Every Muslim has the right   to be proud of his brothers in the faith

In Spain their foresight reigned supreme, Islamic Art and Tolerance governed all of its citizens for 400 Years.
For 377 years the City of Toledo was ruled by Muslim law. As the armies of the Reconquista repossessed the City they where most surprised to be welcomed by Christian Congregation.

At the unset of the 8th century, about 711 Islamic Warriors where invited by a Western Gothic Duke to settle a dispute between two rivaling Eminences.

And thus they crossed the straights of Gibraltar. The fact that Tarik ibn Zyad soldiers expected more then to settle a mere dispute between two Western Gothic rivals has to be understood in the circumstances of the historic setting..

Wikipedia: Emirate of Cordoba (756-929)
As far as these Armies were concerned, they were determined to overrun all of Europe.

Only 21 years later, near Tours in France and sometimes later in other regions could the Berber and Arabic Forces be dispersed...

Every Muslim ought to be proud of his Allah worshiping Brethren for the beautiful Buildings they erected in Spain. As for instant the mosque of pillars at Cordoba and many others. Of the main mosque at Seville only the belfry the Giralda remains. On her ruins now stands a Church.

Outrageous, the thought that on the top of one of the main Cathedrals of traditional Christendom still weaves the Banner of Emperor Constantine. A Man we know to be responsible for the murder of his own family. Outrageous for here we see whose church it really is. It was and still is the church of Emperor Constantine, which in the year of 1609 decreed that the by force baptized Moorish which were also called Moors (spanish Maurisken) where all to be banished from Spain, even as the Jews had been driven out before.

Such where the Events that more than any other, are responsible that the might of Spain crumbled and fell like a termite infested house.

Spains Golden Age, thus ended in the pitiful acts of Barbarism.

Wikipedia: Interior of the Great Mosque of Córdoba.
  The  Mosque was build to face east sending their prayers towards Mecca.

Bild: Wikipedia: The Bell-Tower of the original main Mosque

Arabic History of the Arts and Sciences are concepts of the excellence of the “once upon a time” World of the Islam. However the past 800 years of it existence have also proven to have their Shady sides specially in Europe.

Where ever the free and protected sharing of thoughts has been practiced, live has been prosperous and peaceful.

No other Goal should ever be pursued by peace loving People. Every Person must have the right to live his religion and views of the world according to the dictates of his Heart, as long as these believes to not lead to evil acts of terrorism as did the inhuman rulings of the Codex of Justinian.

All must be aware that institutions that are founded on the spreading of terror shall and must not have any right of existence. Only then shall there be harmony among all the Nations of the Earth.

Even in the days of Al-Andalusia’s Tribal preferences, the return to intolerance and anarchy should have been out ruled among the different Muslim Leaders of the Wonderland.

In our Day ones more we are confronted with members of the Islamic Faith of a most diverse variety

We hear the words of the Grand aureate as well as the base. The Koran is interpreted to the ideals of man, as is the Bible by those who profess to be Christians.

It all depends on the Imams, the Preacher, for they formulate what the Islam is or what its intentions are.. That too was and is the same with Christians.

Many Muslims are angry with one another. Shiites are against Sunnites. Shiites are of the conviction that Ali a cousin of Mohamed is the true successor. But most Muslims the Sunnites about( 80%) insist that it is Abu Bakr, the Father of Mohamed’s favored Wife Aisha, is the true legitimate Khalif.

For the smallest reasons they are prepared to fall one on anothers Throat. Even as Christians used to do in Centuries gone by. Both impertinent and audacious like ill-mannered Adolescents. Caring little about the dignity of others.

To top of it all within this inner islamic debate are the Salafists with their many various perspectives, insisting on how the affairs of a God-pleasing Society must be governed. The foundation on which the Sharia is based, is in itself more than questionable.

It is disturbing to thing that Christians have passed on the pattern for this determination and stubbornness. Sadly it remains a fact to this very day.

Take any three ( especially evangelical) Pastors and you are confronted with totally differed Ideas of the same passage of Scripture.

The in the Koran preached words read: “Islam” this word means “Peace”, Peace and devotion to God. However Peace and how to acquire it depends on each Individual. On a most personal basis it demands self-control and restraint. In showing forth the noble virtues of mankind like charity and kindness. And then of course, there are those that will show it in their overbearing, arrogant and boastfulness. In their attempts to succeed go as far as to make us think some sacred forces of Fascism are at work. Denying the justice, equity and charity of Allah.

Some choose to let wisdom prevail when ever and where ever the name of Mohamed is exposed to criticism. Others behave like irresponsible Hot Heads. One is inclined to think that somehow they have not escaped the days of the dark middle age.

Could it be that the whole Islamic world still lives in the dark ages?

Indeed today it is Monday, the 16 of September 2012, and thus in the Islamic world it is “ al-“ithnayn:1.Dhu1 Kada 1433”.

A comparison is not without its rewards.

In the Year of 1433 many sermons where preached and many Civil wars where fought among Christians in Europe. Just like the unrest Jihadists are facing within their nations in our day.

An Entry under“ Historic Dates „ from the Year 1433

In the Face of the military strength of the Hussite, the Council of Basel will send Peace Negotiators to the City of Prague. To accomplish a hearing of how to agree in negotiating a peaceful closure to the conflicts in our Nation. …In spite of all the efforts that were made by different political Leaders the war among these fanatic religious Groups did not cease.”

18 Years had passed since the burning of the Czech reformer Jan Hus, which was ordered by Emperor Sigismund who stood in allegiance with Pope Eugene the IV. In their anger the followers of the sentenced Jun Hus spread fear throughout Germany. In the Year previous 1432 they plundered and bloodstained the Country as far as Naumburg. Thinking it to be Just.

Of course, one Thing we know without any doubt. The free world will never bow to dictates of Men that even in the 21 Century spread terror of the vilest kind throughout the Nations of the earth. Believing that as a reward God will grant them entrance into his Paradise, because of all the mischief they have heaped on their fellow beings. So much for dying a Martyrs death.

Surely great will be their surprise to find themselves in the abyss of their own Conscience, to be sentenced, to suffer until remorsefully admitting to all they pursued and did. For surely it has nothing to do with Allah, nor with a healthy normal mind. And never ever anything at all with mercy and righteousness.

Never has their God promised them Paradise, except they will follow his Commands to practice Righteousness: “FOR ALLAH LOVES THE RIGHTEOUS” (Paret) 5.13

Children know it, even if it is just intuitive: WRONGS will never make things in the world RIGHT.
Surely the world will come to a bitter end before our freedom is taken from us.

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