Mittwoch, 4. Juli 2018

Ingrids Auswahl - Ingrids Poetry (33)

A little prayer

Dear Saviour in heaven come search my heart,

Shape it, make even the smallest part.

Like thy sweet heaven, thy worlds in eternity,

Please hold me, enfold me and let me be,

Dear Saviour a little more like thee.


See! the day we so much fear.

Tomorrow will be gone.

The good lord gives us strength

Which helps us carry on.

As bravely we walk down life’s pass.

We come to understand

That all the trials we face on earth

Lead to a joyful end.

 A Golden Nugget   

All our childlike fears

Of carrying life’s load,

Our angels come

Turn them around

To find a better road.

Life’s fragile flower “Life”

In Gods time

Only one hour or a

 Little more do we stay

To know of joy and strive,

To face temptations,

Great and small.

To learn our God is overall

To walk by hope, to live by faith.

To find our way, to feel his grace.

For happiness that smiles above

To seek for please

And gods sweet love.  

For more see  Blogger Ingrid Skibbe:

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