Dienstag, 14. August 2018

Ingrids Auswahl - Ingids Poetry (40)

Where you there
Bounteous earth, golden sand,
Mighty Ocean - rocky land.
Did you hear him say, "come light”?
When he made the day
When he made the night?
As he fixed the planets orbits,
When he set the seasons right.
Were you there to watch him sow
The grass, the flower, the tree.
Did you watch the first time ere’?
The moon rose ov’er the sea.
Did you see the clouds ablaze?
In the sunset's glow?
Were you there to see God's hand,
So very long ago?
Did you see the first of creatures?
Roaming o’er the land?
Were you there to see him breathe
The first breath into man?
Did you hear him as he taught?
Without faith man would fall?
Tell me rocks, earth, sand and water,
Did you witness all?
Thus, our world in endless motion
Ever more moves on.
Generations come and go
In this our earthly home.
Earth alone remains to see
The threads that weave eternity.

For more see  Blogger Ingrid Skibbe:


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