Montag, 3. Juni 2019

Ingrids Auswahl - Ingrids Poetry (85)

Gods Angels

                                                The sky may be dark or a radiant blue

                                      God’s angels are near to watch over you

                                      Remember all that you think, say or do

                                     Guard thine own heart be honest, be true.

                                      Let all that is noble adorn your life

                                      Avoid places and people that cause

                                     Heartache and strife, keep Fathers laws

                                     Be loving, be kind, then blessed peace

                                      and contentment you find


Where the gentle breezes of love do not blow

Only noxious, earth-rooted weeds will grow.

Where the glorious rays of hope are not found

Only sadness, despair and dejection abound,

Where there is no vision, there is no faith

The world is a dreary and lonesome place.


The shoulder to the joke

Hands to guide the plough

To cut each furrow straight

Is all that matters now

Feet on gospel ground

Faith fixed on the goal

Labour, hope and prayer

Will find you in his care.


Prophets, Poets, Sages, wisdom of the ages

Holy spirit from above let me feel thy guiding love

Let me know things I should do, stand close by

Don’t leave my side,

 Let thy promptings be my light.


Ashes to ashes, dust to dust

Back to the earth, we must, we must

Return to our mother that gave us birth

Granted us life on this planed called earth

Like the leaves on a tree we dance for a season

Some Souls never query the rhyme nor the reason

Soon with the winter’s storms we fall

Back to the earth who provided all

Much we have learned, still little we know

Of life, of creation of dwelling below.

Still something inside stirs our memory

You are more, so much more

Then a leave on a tree.

All of Ingrids Poetry is found on her own Blog 
Ingrid Skibbe

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