Dienstag, 19. November 2019

Ingrids Auswahl - Ingrids Poetry (114)


Bluest sky, the brightest sun.

A brand-new day has just begun,

Gentle breezes, birds that sing

Tell the world behold, it's spring

Over mountains, hill and vale

Heaven smiles -- all is well

The things I love

A hike in the mountains, to paint by a stream.

Somebody to love, to share all my dreams.

A walk in the park, a ride on my bike.

To sit and enjoy that long upward hike.

To see gods’ creations in valleys below.

To be in a place where time moves real slow.

To ponder, to wonder where all the time goes,

The feel of warm sand as it creeps through my toes.

A stroll by the ocean, a swim in the sea.

A book on my lap, feeling happy and free,

No running, no planning, no pressure at all

No doing, perusing, no telephone call,

I long for some solitude, long for a place,

Where some off-life’s madness will finally cease

Where my weary soul will find solace and peace.

Ingrids Auswahl - Ingrids Poetry (113)


Follow your heart, that’s what he said, follow your heart please do

Only your heart, your dreams, your hopes

Will ever see you through

Others can never live your life

Others are not like you

No other soul understands your dreams

Others don’t walk in your shoes

When it's all said, when it's all done

Each soul must choose, must stand alone.

Must win, must lose, this race on earth

Before returning home.

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Eternal Gain

Each little bird must try its wings
Before it can fly away
Each little daisy on its own
Weather the storm, the rain
Each human heart must learn to bare
Life's bitter prangs of pain
Knowing all tears cried on the earth
Will be eternal gain.

Patience you’re just like a Rosebush,
Full of thorns on every end,
Whenever I try to get near you,
You resist the touch of my hands
Still I perceive your painful pricks
Must not delay my trying,
To prune the branches, trim the Tree
Remove the Thorns, now part of me.
In future days I’m sure to find,
When patience will repay
When far above the thorns will smile
Sweet roses every day.

Freitag, 8. November 2019

Ingrids Auswahl -Ingrids Poetry (112)

There are times

There are times I think of you, recall the words you said.

All the things you told me then still roam around my head.

There are times I wish I could, just let go, just run,

To the seaside--a new life filled with a little fun.

There are times I wish I could be cheerful, feeling free.

Then again all of these dreams they are not really me

There is real life, there is duty, re-spon-ci-bi-li-ty

There are parents, children, friends, tie’s the eye can’t see

All your words soon fade away into the duties of each day.

Leaving time alone to know where one’s weary footsteps go.

Still there are times I think of you and all the words you said

Go a dancing round and round inside my weary head.

My Room

My room is like a sanctuary,

It holds no other soul but me

This hexagon that keeps me in

From mortal harm, from fear and sin.

This space that holds me like a crave,

Where I'm a quin, where I'm a slave,

Each night as I lay down to sleep

I pray the lord my soul to keep.

Dienstag, 5. November 2019

Ingrids Auswahl - Ingrids Poetry (111)


Too much Greed and Power rule this our world of woe.

Nations lost in mass confusion, don’t know where to go.

Too many laws that ever take,

The strength of Souls until they break.

Where are we going?   When will it end?

When will you return, gentle Jesus our Friend?


Tourist’s from a distend sphere
Exiled to gain knowledge here.
Chimes of heaven, chains of hell
Intertwined on earth they dwell
Knowledge how we longed for it,
Experience we thronged for it’
Hammer, chisel form the stone
Of earthly choices God’s are born.

Samstag, 2. November 2019

Schlicht gesagt by Gerd

Leute sprachen vom finsteren Mittelalter. 

Weißt du warum?

Weil nur hier und da die Lämpchen von Menschen wie Meister Eckhardt und Hildegard von Bingen brannten.

Licht wurde gelöscht, als die Kirche sich im 4. Jahrhundert dem Willen des Kaisers unterwarf. Stolz nannte sie sich von da an "Reichskirche!" 

Eine Kirche die dem Kaiser diente, der ihre Priester bezahlte.

Aber Jesus hatte gewarnt: "Niemand kann zwei Herren dienen: entweder er wird den einen hassen und den andern lieben, oder er wird dem einen anhangen und den andern verachten. Ihr könnt nicht Gott dienen und dem Mammon."

Denke daran: Am Ende des 4. Jahrhunderts verbot der höchste Staatsmann Roms – als allmächtiger Berater und Kommandeur der sehr jungen, labilen Kaiser seiner Zeit - namens Ambrosius von Mailand alle Religionen.

Nur die Reichskirche durfte amtieren.

Damit ging die letzte Lampe aus.

Erst als Amerikas Gründerväter sich mit der Unabhängigkeits-erklärung 1776 gegen jede Vergewaltigung des freien Willens jedes einzelnen Menschen aussprachen, kam das Licht zurück, das seither und immer noch bedroht ist, und das nicht bei uns bleiben wird, wenn wir die Hände in den Schoß legen.

Alle Staatsmänner der Welt die daran arbeiten die Nummer eins auf dem Erdball zu werden, gehören zu denen, die dem Geist und Inhalt jener großartigen „Erklärung“ den Todesstoß versetzen möchten. Da jedoch heißt es immer noch:

„Wir halten diese Wahrheiten für ausgemacht, dass alle Menschen gleich erschaffen worden, daß sie von ihrem Schöpfer mit gewissen unveräußerlichen Rechten begabt worden, worunter sind Leben, Freiheit und das Bestreben nach Glückseligkeit.

Ingrids Auswahl - Ingrids Poetry (110)


To laugh, to cry, to win, to lose

To work it out, to think, to choose,

                         What brought us here, what bids us stay?

                               What keeps us going day by day?

    Where is the hand that drew the plan?

Our stay on earth. This test for man?

Where is freedom, where is light?

Where the end to life’s dark night?

Where is love and where is peace?

When shall fear and sorrow cease?

   Not here! but soon! so laugh, so cry,

                                    And never question where or why,

                                    For earth is fire beneath the ice, 

                                    Life, sweet life God’s chosen vice

        To shape our souls for Paradise