Montag, 28. September 2020

Ingrids Auswahl - Ingrids Poetry (185)


                                                                   In disarray

Turn on the News

Watch our youth

 Around the world in disarray

Never much reasons to think beyond self

All they needed and wanted

Always there on the shelf

Never known a reason to give

Never a reason for which to live

They shout, complain we hear them say

We don’t want these rules

That take our choices,

 Our freedom away

Where have we failed them, 

Where did things go wrong

Where the joy of being young?

 Their spirits cry’s out “We need a reason to live”

Reasons to fight for, reasons to give

To feel wanted, needed, to do a good deed

So, they join the milling crowds in the street.

Our voice must be heart, we will not be defeated

Even thou we know at times we are greeted

By angry Police, see, in black they are dressed

To calm the crowds, to settle unrest

Our numbers grow larger with each passing day

Politicians please hear to what we say

We are fighting for justice for people oppressed

For all underdogs from the east to the west

Equality for all men they cry,

It is time for injustice to pass us by.

See: They have found a reason,

A place where to meet

With their friends and neighbours

Around the world in many a street.

Mittwoch, 23. September 2020

Ingrids Auswahl - Ingrids Poetry (184)


                                                                   I have Looked

I have looked at this world

From within, from without,

The longer I look, the lesser the doubt,

That all of her beauty is like unto a shroud,

To hide the true purpose of life.

We hurry, we toil three score years and more,

To build up this sphere made of clay.

Where power and greed, unceasing strife

Are the forces which bar,

The narrow road to eternal life.

Montag, 21. September 2020

Donnerstag, 17. September 2020

Ingrids Auswahl - Ingrids Poetry (183)


Authority and faith are needed

To enter the Kingdom of heaven.

Authority the key, faith the door.


All our childlike fearsof carrying life’s load,

Gods angels come turn them around

And find the better road.

Die Coronakrise beendet auch eine Ära relligiöser Dummheit (1)

Ich frage mich, warum die
des Lutherischen Weltbundes
und der Katholischen Kirche
kein Wort zum Thema „Wahrhaftigkeit“ enthält. Ebenso  fehlt jede Aussage zum Begriff „Rechtschaffenheit“. Mit der Forderung, Recht zu schaffen hat jeder die Moraltheologie des sogenannten „Mormonismus“ auf einen Blick vor sich. In seinem Zentrum steht der Begriff „Rechtschaffenheit“, das große Wort des Buches Mormon, 65 Zitate.
Nur ein Beispiel: 2. Nephi 9: 14 sagt, wir werden in der Auferstehung „eine vollkommene Kenntnis all unserer Schuld und unserer Unreinheit und Nacktheit haben, und die Rechtschaffenen werden eine vollkommene Kenntnis ihrer Freude und ihrer Rechtschaffenheit haben, denn sie sind mit Reinheit bekleidet, ja mit dem Mantel der Rechtschaffenheit.“ u.a.

Montag, 14. September 2020

Ingrids Auswahl - Ingrids Poetry 182


                                           When we have completed
The heart wrenching maze
 Of mortal tribulation
With joy we shall enter
the portals
Of Gods promised love and salvation.