Sonntag, 12. Juli 2020

Ingrids Auswahl - Ingrids Poetry (175)

                                                      A World          

A World filled with deception
Lies heaped upon more lies.
                                              One needs not to be learned,
                                                      Nor even very wise.
 For our good Father up above
 Gave us eyes to see
Hearts of men are filled with fear?
 Nations no longer free,
Evidence clear to behold,
 Most anyone can tell
Things many souls believe these days,
 Are messages from hell.
Too long has man ignored the truth,
 As taught in days gone by.
 Clever men devising the truth,
 will never qualify?
For Fathers kingdom up above
 Is truth, pure light and endless love.

Dienstag, 7. Juli 2020

Ingrids Auswahl - Ingrids Poetry (174)

                  A Coved song

It's written on the rainbow in letters made of gold 
Written on the rainbow there’s wisdom to behold 
My friend the little sparrow flue close enough to see 
Written on the rainbow is this philosophy
As you walk the streets you must take great care  
Mind the yellow lines that are everywhere   
When you leave the house, make this your task
 Keep your distance, wear a mask. 

Had booked that trip to Europe, planned our stay in France
But JetStar rang to tell us folks you haven’t got a chance   
 Countries have closed their borders, grounded every plain
Around the world the rich, the poor all fear corona pain.
Now folks bake little cupcakes, read book and watch tv 
While others sit around and moan, unhappy as can be
Our friend the little sparrow has wings to fly away 
You and I do well these days when in our homes we stay 
Corona, a corona loves, to roam both wild and free.
Around the Globe we fight a Foe that’s smaller than a flea.
All the money in the world won’t help while Nations cry
So, let us hope and pray to God our helper from on high.  
Chorus :repeat last line of the Chorus. 

Melody: The Doughnut song

Montag, 6. Juli 2020

Hallo, ihr Leichtverführbaren!

Im Plattdeutschen sagt man: "Hei lücht" (Er lügt!")

Gemäß einer Umfrage aus dem Jahr 2007 wissen 51 % der US-Amerikaner nach eigenen Angaben kaum etwas über das Mormonentum. Eine knappe Mehrheit von 52 % der befragten US-Amerikaner hielten das Mormonentum für eine christliche Religion, während ein knappes Drittel (31 %) das Mormonentum nicht für eine christliche Religion hielt.
Weltweit gilt immer noch was der damalige Beauftragte für Sekten und Weltanschauungsfragen der Evangelischen Kirche von Westfalen Dr. Rüdiger Hauth sagte:

„Aufgrund der zahlreichen unbiblischen Sonderlehren und neuen Offenbarungen sowie der okkulten Tempelrituale kann der Mormonismus, trotz seines "christlichen" Selbstverständnisses, nicht dem weiten ökumenischen Spektrum christlicher Kirchen, Freikirchen und Gemeinschaften zugerechnet werden. Er hat vielmehr als eigenständige, synkretistische (religionsvermischende) amerikanische Neu-Religion zu gelten. Ein Übertritt zum Mormonentum bedeutet deshalb nicht nur einen Glaubenswechsel, sondern eine völlige Abkehr von der christlich-ökumenischen Kirchengemeinschaft. Daraus ergeben sich für die von der Konversion eines Angehörigen betroffenen Familien erfahrungsgemäß erhebliche Schwierigkeiten.“

Nur ein Satz: Diejenigen die dieser Aussage  vertrauen, sollten ähnliche Behauptungen selbst überprüfen!

Sonntag, 5. Juli 2020

Ingrids Auswahl - Ingrids Poetry (173)


     He who reaches for noble goals and thoughts
He who day by day the beautiful pursues
           Need never fear the wrongs which hover round
  For he has built his life on solid ground

Freitag, 3. Juli 2020

Ingrids Auswahl - Ingrids Poetry (172)

                                                                      Das Ziel

Erwarte nichts zu schnell, verlange nicht zu viel.
Geh langsam deinen Weg, so kommst du auch ans Ziel.
Sei ehrlich jeder Zeit, zum Helfen stets bereit
Dann wirst du glücklich sein hier und in Ewigkeit.
Nimm niemals was nicht dein, verspreche nicht zu viel.
Glaube an dich selbst und an ein sicheres Ziel.

Samstag, 27. Juni 2020

Ingrids Auswahl - Ingrids Poetry (171)


Whilst traveling down the Road called life, heart filled with sorrow and despair
I murmured Lord; this cross you gave is all too much for me too bear.

Upon a Door words crystal clear: Exchange of crosses is right here.
It was a most delightful sight I thought, I’m bound to find
A cross that’s easier to bear, one that would be just right
On entering the heavy door an angel fair stood by my side
Assuring me that for the day would be my own, my special guide.

A cross made of the purest gold, stood on a nearby solid wall
I turned to tell my silent guide; this surely is the best of all.
I strained to lift the heavy load, still all my trying proved in vain
It never moved, and I in shame knew t’ was not for me to gain.
Softly a voice said, child please see this one was not designed for thee.

Searching I spied a cross of wood, polished oak, all shining new
I asked if I could try it out, the angel said; feel free, please do.
I strained to lift the heavy load; my trying proved in vain
It never moved, and I in shame knew t’ was not for me to gain
Softly a voice said, child please see, this one was not designed for thee.

Whilst entering a special room, with crosses wound of roses fair
I thought this surely is the place, where I will find a load to bear,
Placing it upon my shoulder, moments of joy within, but oh,
Before I reached the door, gruel thorns had pierced my skin.
Again, a voice said child please see, once long ago the son of god
Said: Father safe that gruel cross, the cross of pain for me.

My search dismissed, all teary eyed, the angel said: see there,
This one will fit, it is just right, made just for you to bear.
 I cried: It feels familiar just like an old, old friend
It is the one you laid aside, replied my own, my special guide.
Many a lesson must be learned. to be a well-earned treasure
The cross each child of God will bear, is made by father with great care
And love by wisdoms measure.

Donnerstag, 25. Juni 2020

Ingrids Auswahl - Ingrids Poetry (170)

                                Use self-control-be strong, dispersing all that’s wrong
And sure, as daylight follows night.
Your dreams and aspirations will somehow turn out right.

Let it be yes or no- don’t twist your words around
Keep the story short to truth and to honour bound
Words are holy things, so let’s not waste a sound.