Sonntag, 30. August 2020

Ingrids Auswahl - Ingrids Poetry (186)

                                                        Choices have consequences

Easy living, spending, taking
Thoughtless through each new born day
I will take all that I long for
Let tomorrow come what may
Fill my glass right to the brim,
Drink before I’m old and grey
My memory grows dim.

Wish I knew just what went wrong?
Gone has all the fun, the song
All the things of yesterday
Disappeared, have flown away.
Now, how shall I carry on
All I loved is lost, is gone.
And I am left all on my own.

Free I was to live and choose
The things I ought to do
Quick to forget essentials
That would help to see me through
But I have learned and know
Choices have consequences
I will do better next time round
To build up strong defences.

Dienstag, 25. August 2020

Montag, 24. August 2020

Ingrids Auswahl - Ingrids Poetry (185)


I’ve looked upon that leave, that flower
And felled a strange sensation
As thou I’ve seen them long ago
Before the world’s creation.
I watched the hands that held the pen
To write redemptions glorious plan
To set the limits of the sea
The earth, the sky and even me.

I’ve seen that leave, that flower before
Whilst stepping through an unseen door
To view the things designed in heaven
On earth take shape and form
Through curtains of forgetfulness
The spirit took upon it flesh
To fill the purpose of creation
By trial work out their own salvation.

I’ve heard that tune, that song before
And felled a strange sensation
As thou I’ve heard it long ago
Before the world creation
I’ve watched the hand that held the pen
That wrote the music to the plan
To bring to pass all God would need
And to a bounteous harvest lead.

I’ve seen that loving face before
And felled a strange sensation
As thou I’ve seen it long ago
Before the world’s creation
Promised whilst on granted time
To Him my will I would a line
Assisting Fathers gracious plan
To share his love and wondrous grace
                                    With souls throughout all Nations.
                                                       by Ingrid

Freitag, 21. August 2020

Ingrids Auswahl - Ingrids Poetry 184


Ingrid Skibbe

12:24 (vor 45 Minuten)
an mich
And It came   
It came, it came, but it shall not stay
We are told that it comes, to pass away
As it was in the seasons of yesterday
So, it is for the Nations that live today
It’s one of the called for, needful things
Teaching wisdom in all destiny brings
But it will not continue, it will not stay
For in time things vanish and pass away
Trials, disappointments, sorrow, tears
Fellow travelers throughout earthly years
Mortal companions which shall be denied
Escorting men’s soul to the other side
They come, they come, but they shall not stay
For all that comes, comes to- pass away.

Dienstag, 18. August 2020

Ingrids Auswahl - Ingrids Poetry 183


Then let us kneel in fervent prayer
Asking our God that He somewhere
Will grant us peace and sweet relief
From pain and sorrow, tears and grief
To welcome us with open arms
Set us free from earthly harms
Take us home where we shall be
Secure throughout Eternity.

Ingrids Auswahl - Ingrids Poetry (183)

Mittwoch, 12. August 2020

Ingrids Auswahl -Ingrids Poetry (182)

                                                               A morning Prayer

Father in heaven I thank thee for the safety of the night
For this new Day just begun, the suns returning light.
Place in my heart a song to follow me the whole day long
I thank thee for my Family, for Home and Friends so dear
A Country free from war's alarm, a life devoid of fear.
For Natures bounteous blessings so beautiful and rare
For all lives simple treasures that I may freely share.
Help me to shun all selfishness, all vanity, and pride
Within the mantle of thy love and mercy let me hide.
To the needs of others may my eyes never be blind
Freely share all thou hast given, joy in service find.
Knowing that each human Soul,
Needs acts of love, to make them whole.
Should this day bring trials, be wearisome and long
Help this childlike heart of mine be steadfast, firm and strong.
Believing that in time, somewhere your love heals every wrong.