Freitag, 21. August 2020

Ingrids Auswahl - Ingrids Poetry 184


Ingrid Skibbe

12:24 (vor 45 Minuten)
an mich
And It came   
It came, it came, but it shall not stay
We are told that it comes, to pass away
As it was in the seasons of yesterday
So, it is for the Nations that live today
It’s one of the called for, needful things
Teaching wisdom in all destiny brings
But it will not continue, it will not stay
For in time things vanish and pass away
Trials, disappointments, sorrow, tears
Fellow travelers throughout earthly years
Mortal companions which shall be denied
Escorting men’s soul to the other side
They come, they come, but they shall not stay
For all that comes, comes to- pass away.

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